Reviews for Twenty five over
Kohlomere chapter 9 . 3/5/2007
Oi Cody! Why? Why are so e-stupid? Cody! Well, know that that's out of the way I'd like to congratulate you on the wonderful job you've done. Please update soon, E.
Pandemonium chapter 9 . 3/3/2007
author alerts? bah... you seem to manage that quite fine for me anyway!

hmm... white Porsche? Bah... black horse! Much nicer :P

So which is sposed to be the most appealing? Cause it's totally Chase at the moment... but boy am I glad the whole angsty highschool crap is over!

Great ep, more when you can!
Portrait Of A Dreamer chapter 9 . 3/1/2007
good story

its dramatic and has a sense of realism to it that is interesting

her weight and his not caring about her weight is cliche but one that I love.

Update soon
Enaid chapter 9 . 3/1/2007
ya an update. this is one of my fave! stories. anyway i love how everyone is starting to get together with the ones they really like. please make sure madden is there for cody when she gets hurt:( its so sad she likes a jerk. anyway update soon i will be waiting
Aella88 chapter 9 . 2/28/2007
*squeals* Yay! I think Faith needs to tell Dom...otherwise he's going to learn some other way and be really upset/mad/something. I see what Chase is doing...Mr. Sneaky! And I like it! *grins* Saph needs someone like him and he's so sweet! Madden needs to hurry up and tell Cody! Before she ends up with Finn...or gets hurt worse by Finn...becasue i don't trust him! If Cody starts looking really good...and Finn wants to get even with Dom for the whole thing with Tridi...Anyways...enough fangirlishness! I can't wait to read the next chapter! I'll also hopefully eventually get a chance to go back and make good reviews for all the other chapters I haven't done yet. BTW...just in case you don't know who this's Tammy...
Dezi E chapter 9 . 2/28/2007
YAY! You finally updated.

twas an awesome chapter.

Madden finally completely and totally realizes his feelings for her!

Giant, "AW!"

Anywho, can't wait for next.
uusernname chapter 9 . 2/28/2007
Loving it, update!
tini5585 chapter 9 . 2/27/2007
I was soo happy to see you had updated! It was worth the wait! Homecoming is approaching...I can't wait to see what that brings. Keep it up! :)
Polished Gem chapter 9 . 2/27/2007
Emmers! When you said soon, I didn't think you meant soon soon! Heehee! That part between Dom and Faith was cute. I hope he finds out soon that she was Gina Grosse. I want to hear his heart-felt apology and I want to know what runs through his head when he realizes, how horrible he feels. It will be a great block for him. I wonder how long it will take him to say something, seeing as he'll definitely be very embarrassed about the whole issue.

And Cody needs a good smack on the head to help her realize what Madden really means. I mean, everybody sees it but her! *shakes head*

IF you keep up with this story, you could probably reach 10 reviews or beyond.

Anyway, now that you've finished this ever so loverly chapter, you have no leverage. Heehee! Now you have to write me an e-mail. *grins*

How was day #3 of Uni?

Guess what? I bought a digital camera today. And my preceptorship ends on Weds...Whe! lol. Anyway, I'm much more awake now-more sugar in my blood.

Btw...I reviewed...I want pink fluffy bunnies and starbursts...even if that wasn't a promise for this chappie.


firestar267 chapter 9 . 2/27/2007
Madden...get it together man!

Im so happy for faith and dom...

and oh i love ALL of this! Keep it up and im really glad to hear youll be updating more!

*hands you a hopefully good review, marshmallows, chocolate AND bunnies...then runs off to make toast*
miss-life chapter 9 . 2/27/2007
Wow a lot of things are happening right now aren't they? Madden has such a crush on Cody and Faith and Dom went such a long way and wow :D I love it ;)

Can't wait for the next chapte!

Keep up the good work!

Ce'Lyra chapter 9 . 2/27/2007
Omg, I absolutely LOVE this story! Seriously, I feel like I'm reading the story of my own life, cheesy as it sounds. I also lost 20 kilos make my crush notice me. As it turned out, my friend had his eye on me the whole time! : ) It's really amazing to read a story like this, truly, it is. Please please PLEASE keep up the great work! Can't wait to read on!
LifeisCereal chapter 9 . 2/27/2007
Ugh I'm so frustrated with both Cody and Faith! They need to realize... and so does Saph! EVERYTHINGS RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR NOSES! Meh... great story chicadee
Pink Appreciation chapter 9 . 2/27/2007
FINALLY A REVIEW! but i will not berate you for it.

So much happened in this chapter.

I think Madden has it all wrong about finn. Cody for sure has a chance, because for the first time Finn aknowledged Cody when they arrived at school. And i think finn would ask her out just to piss off dom and madden.

I have warmed up to chase pretty well, but saph is driving me crazy! She cant see a good thing if it bit her on the bum!

Email me! I hope your well!
Enigmatic Night chapter 9 . 2/27/2007
Hehe.. forgiven. It's easy to understand... we all get busy and life.. well we all have lives, so yeah.. apology accepted.

I was very happy to check my email and find.. wait for it.. yes an Update! I can't shake the feeling that this was but a filler, despite the content... yeah well that's just me.

Anyhoo.. as always the chapter was well written, despite a few grammatical and/or typo errors that can easily be over-looked, or unintentionally over-looked (as our editing minds like to do)

I mean how many typos will you be able to spot in my review? Many I tell ya..many.

Ok honestly? Cody is making me mad.. I can understand that Finn has been her crush for-like-ever... but well, Madden is so much better! (ok I did not rhyme on purpose) Ugh! Seriously, you've given subtle hints of her returning his feelings, but gosh you write such a blind-idiot-stupid-stubborn character well.. and for making me angry and frustrated at her actions, I commend you.

Aw.. Poor Madden, he tried two times... two and they were interrupted both times.. oh and another thing that irked me... why did Saph interrupt when she didn't have much to say to Cody? Why! LoL, then when he finally does ask her... she.. she well you know what she did... you wrote it. Oh the frustration.

Hehe he kissed her on the cheek, can he be any cuter? And he's like a resident hottie right? Gosh, Cody is blind.. and Gerber is gay.

Sapphire... well it's nice to see that she's growing up, I mean she may not have completely moved on, i.e. not tearing up the photo, (which I gather will come back to bite her in the ass? i.e. Cody finding it or something like that ) however she's becoming more mature, and Chase is definately a good thing for her. Goodness me.. Chase, eye-candy, rich, gifted, and respectful of women to boot?... ok I'd say he is the total package..I mean he may be troubled, hence the shrinks, but not everyone is perfect... though he's very close.

Faith and Dom... ever the cute budding romance they are. The whole identity thing, oh dear for when he finds out... he'll be riddled with guilt and angry because of the deception, and she's riddled with guilt, still angry at the initial rejection of "Gina" and will be pissed off should his reaction be, well.. not too mellow. So I'm expecting explosive dramatic climactic chapters for these 'reveals'... lol unless you decide to present us with a bathos, an anticlimactic turn out that leaves us going.. 'oh.. ha ha, not what I expected...' lol

Well I've gone on too long anway.. time to get either some of my own writing done... or read lecture notes.. fun times.

Well as always.. I encourage you to update soon, but I always say update soon... just a formality.

Until next time,

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