Reviews for Predator |
toxic-noodle725 chapter 15 . 5/4/2007 HOLY ORANGE PICKLED CANTALOUPES! the suspense is gonna kill me! KILL ME! |
trijinkijapan27 chapter 15 . 5/4/2007 XDD It was worth the wait. You're amazing. |
Scribblesandink chapter 15 . 5/4/2007 Ok. Freaky. Very very freaky. Are the twins sociopaths? It's the only explanation I can think of. *squeaks* Very excited about the next chapter! Thanks for the update :) |
Swan Queen chapter 15 . 5/4/2007 Nice chapter. No comment though. I'm too tired to give a lengthy review. And my brains hurts from all the confusion. You know. Rayth trapping her in the room...Cancer...Scythe...the little girl...Bones. My brain hurts. |
CreativeEdge chapter 10 . 4/27/2007 Wow, I just read the bulk of this in one sitting, it's really really captivating, you've done a fabulous job with creating an original and thrilling plot line, Not to mention characters that are very ... intriguing, I think thats the right word, captivating might be more what I meant, anyways well done, I can't wait for an update, it's starting to get really intense. I can't figure out why,but theres some part of me that really really wants Scythe to be with Angela, that wants him to like her ...and yet who knows. Fantastic writing , keep up the good work. -Ani |
laramara chapter 14 . 4/22/2007 Alright so I just read the story in a sitting and i gotta say that you've got yourself a very intriguing plot line and i can't wait to find out more! it completely wrong for me to like Scythe more than Cancer?...cuz, well, i do..update soon! |
teardrop chapter 14 . 4/17/2007 hey. all i can say is that ur brilliant and that ur writing style is amazing! i loved catharsis and i love predator too. :D. just update soon coz im waiting... |
jesslyn chapter 14 . 4/16/2007 you're amazing! i love their interaction in this one. horrifingly cute. cute terror horror spookiness predator. *grins* |
nethernity chapter 14 . 4/14/2007 i'm confused with the storyline...i know it sounds dumb...but,what's the plot,exactly? but still,this story is pretty damn good... Tyson's death scared the shit outta me...kinda made me want to vomit when i imagined his crushed body and blood... i want Angela to be with Scythe but after reading this chapter...i'm not sure anymore if i still want Angela end with him..eventhough i still like him... my last name is Angela by the way... last but not least...UPDATE SOON! |
moonlights desire chapter 14 . 4/13/2007 That was intense. Weird. But strangely really good! I don't know which one I like better, but I think Cancer wins - he is just like so hot! But then again... god this is getting so weird! And I like am so confused about Bones and like all the flash-backs. But anyways, update soon! |
codyismypup chapter 14 . 4/13/2007 Aw, how Aladdinish-Take my hand- Yeah... Erm. Damn. I'm a screwed up person. Is it my fault if I think Cancer is extremely hot? Eh. I'm gonna blame you for making a sadistic hot guy. -shun- -unshun- Atleast I'm not threatening people with biting their noses off. Or am I? -waggless eyebrows- Aww, they're frolicking! That is how you spell it,right? Ok. Got nothing else to say. M...Cancer. In anyother case, that would be .ting. But in his case, yumm. |
Her Wishing Well chapter 14 . 4/13/2007 Oh my god, I'm so confused whose good and whose evil in this story? And why didnt she do anything why is she just like accepting everything everyone says and not asking any questions? and oh this story is so good. I love your writing it is marevelous :) Please update soon. |
Bleeding Air chapter 14 . 4/12/2007 how dare you kIll tyson. squinching him under a car. how is that impaling? isn't it more like. squishing. crunching. pancaking. etc. or was it like, nose-down. then it would kind of be like squishstabsquishstab. eh. eh. and then the butt end would collapse down too. -picture- so now that scythe is bonkers, that will make things quite complicated between me and him. oh yes it will. a little awkward, let's say. the little boy went vamoosh. how suspicious. he either ran cuz he knew cancer was going to hump angel from behind, or else he had left before cancer could see him and he was all OHNOEZ. then. then the car. well if thats his way of cheering her up then props to him, eh eh. that would be fun, if there was some way of knowing you werent gonna die. or then i guess that takes the thrill out. look at little old me, pondering the ways of the world. the flower scene was cute. and hot. and continue with it and make them copulate. my new favorite word. do enjoy. this is short. like me. apologies. luv me. |
Death Princess chapter 14 . 4/12/2007 things are spiralling out of countrol, out of control, out of controwl. u owe me two responses now. so make sure ypu write my name twice on ur next chapter feesha. |
Lurker chapter 14 . 4/10/2007 Argh. I feel like a dried up piece of crap. I've become one of those annoying people who suddenly stop reviewing in the middle of a story. I haven't reviewed for like, four chapters. SORRY. I HAVEN'T ABANDONED YOU. TT-TT I wish fiction press had little emoticons for reviews, like on MSN. I think that would inspire me to review more often, lol. Argh, this story confuses me. Even Though a little bit more is revealed in every chapter, I’m still pretty much clueless as to what’s going on, except that they’re involved in some sort of game/cult that involves Angela somehow. Argh. Or at least that’s what it SEEMS like, I’m not sure. I love Cancer, though. I mean, I don’t like him, really. Bu I do, sort of. I like him in a’reading-about-you-makes-me-wish-youwere-real-so-I-could-jump-but-I-probably-wouldn’t-jump-you-in-case-you-did-something-evil-and-killed-me. Even if it takes until the very last chapter for everything to make sense, I’m still intrigued and I still do a little happy dancer every time I see you’ve updated. -Lurker |