Reviews for Predator
soFresh'likepomegranate chapter 12 . 3/9/2007
Oh coincidence! I made biscuits today in my chefs class :D Well, who knows if Scythe is actually talking about biscuits, rawr, I would say we could be soulmates, but I'm still holding strong on my all support Cancer thing...err, heh, the lovely good looker boy that is, even though I think I'm not feeling too partial towards him. Wonderful writer, don't you wanna make Angela not sad, and have Cancer not do mean things that'll make her heart cry? I'll give you a cookie! or a boy! I think I'd give in if someone gave me a boy. Bleh, even though Scythe is a bit of a fine specimen, he's gr. I hate how he can make her feel guilty so easily, I'll give him a smack. I feel so bad for Angela, all these guys are such...I bet the ending will have only her while all those other guys are off with those ick girls, and the only one who is interested in her is that little kid boy...person, who probably is psychotic. But of course you're amazing and lovely and you'll have Angela end up with Cancer? wink wink? xD Goodness, I always look forward to your updates, are very much so amazing times infinity .
OoohLookACat chapter 12 . 3/9/2007
oh so curious now )

that little kid is really creepy

and i still don't get it

but i didnt like the sounds of that evil cackle.

it's like you're torturing me...


but oh well, its worth it

im curious

and i wanna know more

your stories are all so creepy and hard to understand, yet they draw you in

and what's elenor(?) got to do with anything?

i know ANgela found her diary...but...

argh! whats going on?

i might cry if u don't tell me...

i will cry...

*five minutes later*

okay i won't, but i want more!

good so far

Natajaaay chapter 11 . 3/5/2007
ok, so the whole predator, consumer, producer thing is a lil freaky- but still kinda awesome! i've been reading this since i got home (it's so much better than homework).

i really like angel's character- she's so random and fab. don't really like pippa or lynn and rayth freaks me out. one minute i like Cancer (awesome name btw, kinda morose- that the right word?) and the next i don't. same with scythe.

i'm thinking that cancer and rayth are one of the 3 weird people and i was thinking of someone else but my minds gone blank. i don't think scythe's involved. don't know why i don't but i just don't (hehe).
you're so postmodern chapter 11 . 3/4/2007
Stupid Angela, stupid stupid stupid.

Hot scene (even though Lynn's cat was hung on that tree; ew!) with Cancer and all. Angela should have stayed,she should have. I like how Cancer tells her people wont always wait for her. It's foreshadowing something, I think.

Scythe, ick. And why would he even want to go out with Lynn? She's so...pathetic. Poor cat, too. But seriously, and he never even told Angela. That bothers me.

The conversation with Angela and Rayth was pretty deep. I dont like Rayth though. He seems almost blah compared to Scythe and Cancer. All three guys are nicknamed. Thats cool.

Update soon if you can.
heart shaped lies chapter 11 . 3/4/2007
fthnkf ugh no...she shouldve gone with cancerr! arghh

i found rayth ten times more creepier in this chapter, even though i loved his opinions.

scythe has started to piss me off. though he's still as sexeh as ever! i can understand why angela went after scythe rather than cancer. when you've known someone that long, its like you HAVE to put him first or something at times

and cancer is just...perfect.

loved this chappie, update soon :)
Jesslyn chapter 11 . 3/4/2007
NO! T.T Angel should of stayed with Cancer. Seriously, I'm having e hots for him now. He's soo sexxay. He probably mentions rape all the time cause he gets too darn horny around angela and wanna tear her clothes out or something. After all, he's not justinterested, he's REALLY interested *does the happy dance*


Oh wells. You know I sort of pity Angela. She's like someone who has no character at all. (its not your writing thats bad) It's like...she's so hypocritical, so...detached from life, so much that she's like a zombie with no motive in life. How sad.

but that's why i love her. cause she's so unique.

waiting for more updates so the plot will unfold
sarah chapter 11 . 2/28/2007
wat a weird story bt i lik it!keep writing:)
Lurker Again chapter 10 . 2/26/2007

I just realized something... how do we know that the predator, Consumer and producer are even characters of the present? I mean, what if its not Scythe, Rayth or Cancer, but characters from the past. What if the little segments are flashbacks.


Like... like different consciences sort of!

I don't know, They're crap theories but.. yeah. Sorry for reviewing a second time, I know its rude/confusing.
Creative Destruction chapter 11 . 2/26/2007
What the FUCK? Dude! It's frustrating how CONFUSED I am. I don't know what's going on! Cancer COULD be the predator or consumer or whatever the other one was but then that other guy could have been following and watching. I don't know what's going on! And why did they kill her cat? Okay, update. NOW. I want ANSWERS! lol. Oh, and I hope you don't think I'm bashing you or anything. I totally freaking LOVE this story. That's why I'm so wound up about it. Ha
Lurker chapter 11 . 2/25/2007
Argh. I didn't have time to review the last chapter, but I'm reviewing now. Its about six in the morning and i'm really groggy, so excuse the ugh-ness of this review.

This chapter has made me depressed. More specifically, all this sexual shinanigen between Angela and Cancer has made me depressed.

The only thing thats ever tried jump me was a Kangaroo, and I'm pretty sure it was a female Kangaroo. So I'm only considered attractive to Lesbian marsupials.

Ugh. I love Cancer. Scythe Is just argh. I can understand why Angela went to Scythe, because he IS her best friend and Cancer IS just the guy from the lighthouse, but argh... Scythe is just so ugh. He's a good character.. but just not that much of a likeable one.

I like Rayth. But I don't like Rayth. I'm not sure. Sometimes when he's just all 'Bug Love.' I'm like,'GTFO.'

If that makes sense, which I doubt.

Anyway, this was still a great chapter. And yes, you need to update more often.
bunny slippers chapter 11 . 2/25/2007
ho ho ho. bet you don't know who this is. i'm trickayy.

now what is this.. this PANDEMONIUM? this chap is sosocruel. i mean how dare ms. angela reject mr. cancer. i mean he's so cool. he's like the picture perfect of cool. ain't that the truth. no it was sad when he was all, "thiz iz it my chiquita" and she was all, "?" yeah.

was it ever mentioned before that scythe is afraid of water. he's totally going to drown by the end of the story. he's going to suffocate on the liquid of the sea. just a guess. just a wild guess, naff, no need to get your undies in a bunch, aight?


you're one of the hoes. no, you're actually one of the guys to me. we fart and drink and talk about past sexual experiences together, eh eh. i love you. oh no too chickish. i mean. "yeah, you're cool. uhhuh. yeah." let's bump chests like apes. the manly way.

moving on.

i like the ree-lay-son-ship between angela and cancer and whenever she's all SYCHTHEHE WHERES MY SCYTHE and cancer's all lookit me lookit me. and him dumping whatsherface poopa was cool. and i knew it was tyson. how? because i was there, watching. watching them get it on. i'm a perv like that.

i watched a sex in the city episode the other day and the main chick was watching her neighbours get it on, and then she invited her friends and they all watched and ate popcorn. i wish our relationship was like that, but no. we're too manly. iono whats manlier than humping like dumplings. but yo. we'll find out.

no no but cancer and angela always argue like a married old couple. well old couples aren't all RAPE. RAPE AND KILL. but yeah.

rayth talks too much. and too creepily. he's going to go blind isn't he. and walk into a train. HA, HA, HA, HA. do that. make him walk into a train with no eyeballs. that's gross. i take it backk.

hey hey i so don't like what you did to that cat. like eww. that's gross. and how could lynn sit there next to it. i'd be like AHH I'LL KILL YOU MUTILATORS. i'm scary.

and wtff is up with that ant fiasco. my lord.

ps at the beginning cancer almost said what scythe was. HO HO. you tease. you tEaSe.

that flashback was so scythe. so so scythe. or else her childhood friend who became blind and walked into a train. i bet someone died in that fashion. dies. died. whatev. i betcha. it's so you.

i also bet scythe messed up lynn's cat and then asked her out. HAHA. the freakin' creeper. eh, how close am i. ps that's random.

ps he's a fagg.

ps she's part o' the plan.

ps i don't like him so much

ps angela's whipped

anyway. i'm not actually psing. i'm just chilling.

those boys are stalkers. ringring: "FOLLOW HER SHE'S RUNNING OUT OF THE CLASSROOM." dundun. followed by a "ps would you like some chicken take out or chinese take out tonight for our special creepy meeting?" you cut that part out though. too unmysterious.

ooh cancer and angela almost had tree sex. but you would not do that, nafeesah. you would not.

i was talking to my friend about cinderella and how i would hate if a guy put my shoe on due to him being fruity. and there cancer is being fruity. "perfect fit, angel." -starry eyes-

like ew.w. good thing he got horny or else i would have dubbed him as a fruity prince. OH HOW I JOKE. how could cancer be a prince. he doesn't even have royalty in his background. he's not the queen.

doesn't angela know that when you're getting hornay you don't answer your phone? okay okay well you DO if it's your secret lover, but that's all. well no you disguise your secret lovers name to "mailman" instead of "scythe". eh, she should have changed his caller ID to "mailman". then things would have been cool. and she could have made an excuse like, "the mailman has dropped off a letter on my doorstep and it will blow away if i do not grab it now!" -flee-

works like a charm. do mailmen even exist anymore. godds. i mean, where are they.

i do believe this is the end of my review. please miss me. PLEASE. and do update this tilly tally sometime, will you. sometime.
OoohLookACat chapter 11 . 2/24/2007

still confused...with the cat..

and the scythe and the raythe...

so confused.

but i'll get it...


good so far.

i got the ending part though

when he's talking about people and not waiting forever.

poo chapter 11 . 2/24/2007
no angela, don't leave cancer! .
bfoundwanting chapter 11 . 2/24/2007
NO! I like cancer alot. I like him so much and he likes Angela and Angela likes him and he is dangerous but he is so much better for her than Scythe.

And now he's gone. She's lost him hasn't she? Please tell me she hasn't lost him.
slideshow fag chapter 11 . 2/24/2007

stuff it in your face. theres the newsflash for you. im team cancer. thats right. THATS RIGHT, SCYTHE. row the fucking boat! oh gawshh. im really mad in lust now. i am. i know it. thankies naff. thanks for creating this imaginary being i can lust after like an internet boyfriend. -geek-

but oh gawd. rayth. i lohv him too. now look what you did. just look. im in a PICKLE, here naff. i cant choose the love of my life.

and see! see what a jerk scythe is! doesnt even ask how she is and instead asks that lyyn out. THAT LYNN. -mutilates.


oh jeezus. i really do like him.

DONT ANSWER IT ANGELA. DONT ANSWER IT. GO ON KISSING FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE LIKE YOU WERE MADE TO DO FKLJDSGKSAGSD. cancers right you know. she cant keep leaving people like that to go deal with her little gjldsgkl. -sniff. team cancer?

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