Reviews for Predator
Creative Destruction chapter 9 . 1/17/2007
Dude, this story is so fucking confusing it's pissing me off! Ha. I don't know what the HELL is going on! Argh. Can we just figure something out already? I'm so frustrated. Gr. Was Rayth trying to kill her? Is he the producer? One of them is either the producer, consumer, or whatever the other one is. Rayth, Scythe, or Cancer. But who? Or maybe they're all in it together. Yeah cuz Cancer told him he's breaking the rules. I guess they're all in it together. UGH. This is so annoying. Hurry and update so I wont be so frustrated! Haha
ess3sandra chapter 2 . 1/17/2007
who is predator?
ess3sandra chapter 1 . 1/17/2007
m, i wonder what this is, but i like.
Lurker chapter 1 . 1/17/2007
Okay... So I'm a lurker who decided to review. Because lurking sucks.

At first I thought Scythe was the predator, because he was the one who seemed to act most on instict, but now I think he's the consumer. Because he... consumes. As in, he takes a lot, he takes from Pippa, He takes from Angel, he takes from nearly everyone. And he takes with the Bones ritual.

I'm not sure about Raythe or Cancer.

I think Rayth is the predator, though. I don't know why. I just do. Maybe because he seems the most manipulative.. Scythe is aggresive, like a predator, but the predator seems more cunning/calm, only to explode at certain Moments. Maybe like how Rayth kissed Lyn.

But then Cancer is disease that consumes you, and spreads throughout your body untl you die.

But then the Predator seemed really angry about how the Light House was all dead and neglected.

Maybe the Predator is Cancer's father, which means that either Cancer, Rayth or Scythe have nothing to do with it. Unless there's someone new, who hasn't come up yet.

Meh, I'm crap at theories. I have no idea what is going on.

I luff this story, though.



Ravene chapter 9 . 1/16/2007
My God ... You are amazing.

I wonder who tried to kill her ... ?

Possibly ... Scythe? but no, that makes no sense. Maybe Rayth.

But why?

Why does anyone feel even slightly inclined to kill her?

And things are going to speed up, are they?

Wow. I already thought the suspense in this was outstanding.

You really know how to keep us on edge.

Love it, can't wait for the next chapter.
you're so postmodern chapter 9 . 1/16/2007
That was creepy. Dude, awesome writing, but wow. Eek, I would have been petrified if all those cages and bugs came loose.(what an odd gift!) Im really starting to try to figure out the plot and stuff now. I think Rayth is the producer. But if it was him letting the cages down, why? Why does Angela need to be dead? Ack. I like the irony at the end with the mention of snow. It seems almost unimportant to everything else but it was a good wrap-up. And Cancer. I'm glad she went to him.
Swan Queen chapter 9 . 1/16/2007


Death to Rayth because he's CREEPY.

And aw...cute tender moments with Cancer. Gotta love Leon - blonde head Leon. Adorable. I would say more but I have to work on my stupid friggin science project. So Ciao. Hasta Lavista. And update soon.

P.S. Everytime I see an update, my day become much brighter and I forget I have a project due tomorrow that 20% of my grade or something. I'm giddy Like sunshines and lollipops. I'm HAPPY. But RAYTH makes me UNHAPPY. EVIL RAYTH!
For What Its Worth chapter 9 . 1/16/2007
It doesn't seem rushed to me. Just a bit confusing. Why WOULD Rayth lie? And are Lionel and Leon twins or just a dual personality? I was hoping to see more of Scythe in this one. But nevermind, the tantalizing piece of an answer to Where is Angela's dad? is suitably distracting.
soFresh'likepomegranate chapter 9 . 1/16/2007
this story is so addicting! everything is just unknown and I'm much much excited for next chapters. cancer! I like him, I dunno why, but weirdly I like him more the Scythe. was rayth trying to kill her? I hope not, he seemed kinda one of the only kinda normal kids minus his fetish for insects...and this chapter's bit of bipolarness.. hm did I mention I liked cancer? xD even though he acts jerkish, there's just something about that's very...alluring? i dunno, very addictive. He's quite amazingly rad. I love the way you write, everything just sounds so pretty and flowish.
25ariel25 chapter 9 . 1/16/2007
The bug house sounds pretty creepy. Is this killer maybe the same as the one who jumped her? Anyway I really like this chapter might be my favorite cause I liked the whole atmosphere that you kinda set up.
swiss01 chapter 9 . 1/16/2007
I just started reading this story and oh boy, what a story it is. Its absolutely wonderful! I love all of the characters personality, although there is something annoying about Angel. I love how you're not revealing everything, it keeps a reader interested. But mostly what I love is the fact that this story is like a puzzle and I instinctively have to put it together so that it makes sense. Just like human nature, things we don't understand, we don't accept and we'll keep searching for an answer. I guess thats how you're going to keep readers. :) As for me trying to figure out the story, well thats kinda hopeless. I mean when I think I have everything figured out and I'm like," Okay I've sorted it out hahaha you can't out smart me!" but then you write something that throws me off (like what happened during this chapter, but I was expecting something because of the conversation between Predator and the other two) and I'm like,"Oh shit." And I scratch out what I thought I knew. You do a good at that by the way. But anyways, I think so far that Predator-Scythe, Producer-Rayth, and Consumer-Cancer. Finding out about everything else I'll anxiously wait for, but can you please answer me if I'm right. Keep up the excellent work, and this is truly a magnificent story, don't let anybody tell you other wise! :)
whyshouldicare1 chapter 9 . 1/15/2007

holy crap!

what the HELL?

every time i think i'm starting to understand what is going on, you pull something like this and i'm left absoultely baffald.


it's a good thing, really. it just frustrates me.

i really REALLY REALY hope you update soon.

it'll make me happy.

you want me to be happy, don't you?
nefarious nature chapter 9 . 1/15/2007
more more more more you whore! (sorry for the horrible rhyme. no wait i'm not! update now!
first of the geeks chapter 9 . 1/15/2007
Now, I'm not gonna lie, the fact that she's sitting there, covering Cancer in her blood, being all woozy and like, "Oh, yea, I'm covering your shiny, shiny white hair in blood," and he's all like, "um... yea, not gonna ask," kind of has me all like:


And yes, I do realize that I just used the whole "and he/she/it was like" thing that typical teenagers about five million times.



So. The blood.

It's very...bloody. And red. Like the plants and the butterflies. And the blood.

It's very symbolic.




AWESOME chapter. Kind of confused over the fact that Cancer's just like, "Meh. I like the feel of your blood all over me. LOVE ME." And how Rayth's like "THERE'S NOTHING UP THERE THAT WANTS TO KILL YOU." And Scythe is just like "-not there-".

Yes. Strange chapter, albiet a good one.

KEEP WRITING. Or I'll take your spleen. HAHAHAHAHAHAH-cough weeze DIE-
Slideshow chapter 9 . 1/15/2007
oh so i see. so i see. rayth is hawt now is he. is he. well let me tell you something madam. you wanna know what i think. you waana? i think. I THINK thats just fine.

just fine, ma'am.

i figger between scythe and cancer, i choose rayth. I CHOOSE RAYTH! TEAM RAYTH! -pompoms.

& listen. i think cancer is jealous now k. i do. because rayth took away angel and then he punched him like wtff so it was very much sudden and sudden things like that usually means jealousy. it does. it just does. ohshiat my fingers is mofukkin freezing. i swear. you could eat them like popsicles. you could. they're so amazingly cold. would you like that naff. would you. well if you make rayth the superhero at the end you may. you may, i say.

& kudos to you. kudos to you love. that was a very nice chapter. a good one for rayth to shine. no scythe hogging up my beloved computer skreen. none at all. it pleases me, dear. it does.

oh and wahoo! cancer!

but poor angela. what kind of person would do that to her? who. WHO. who could it be. i know. it's probably a fag. a fag. F-A-G.

ok dood. my fingahs are seriously frozenenenene. i feel like the terminator. or was it batman. or was it . OR CATWOMAN.

okokdarlin. im off. im going to go now. but thanks for updating. thanks, mang. THANKS.

Salaam, lohvv.

(i hope scythe tried to kill her. i just hope he did. but heprobably didnt. because you lohv him so. so it's most probabaly that mysterious guy. most probably. the guy who threatened angel in the woods. -mysterious.)
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