Reviews for Johnny
Cancer.Loves.You chapter 1 . 10/25/2006
This was actually a good story. You should pro-long it a bit more. So it can turn into a fully:-:fledged story.

yeah... thats it. I wont talk about samy... It might start to annoy "the pirate king" Since your such a bitchy writer.

I'm just shitting you.

. .:.
NO LONGER USING chapter 1 . 9/17/2006
I really liked this. It's writing style was great and the way you portrayed the characters was awesome. I actually had a mental picture of what the looked like which is an A in my book. Great job! Keep up the great work.
Kir Sirin chapter 1 . 8/25/2006
Holy crap! It's johnny! Yay! Finally you post this story. If you dont get alot of reviews for this story I'm gonna be pouting all night. This story was awesome! Remember? You got all that freakin' attention because of it!

That was so cool! Oh, man I gotta calm down. I mean, it's just a story right? An awesome story! -Kir.