Reviews for Tsk Tsk Kisk
Tsk Tsk Kisk chapter 6 . 11/8/2007
Miska whoever should just decide whether or not to stay in kisks life. whats up with him anywho? Cal is so much better for him. Hes sweet, fun, defends him, sure he has secrets but kisk needs someone like cal to keep him safe. CalCool.
paputsza chapter 5 . 9/23/2007
6.6 yeah, about that new chapter... and i like cal better
chrnoskitty chapter 5 . 6/6/2007
Another great chapter! Sorry it took so long to get to it. But it was great as always, good job!
Reflex chapter 4 . 1/2/2007
Very unique style you have. It keeps the reader interested until the end. I suggest you work harder on the imagery. It's best if you immerse the reader into the world so they can actually picture and feel what's going on.
chrnoskitty chapter 3 . 10/30/2006
Heh. That was definitley unexpected.

keep up the great work!
Cancer.Loves.You chapter 1 . 10/25/2006
yeah, tis me once again. Dont think me as an ass, or nothin'. Im just bored out my fractured skull beacuse samy wont talk to me on IM. She thinks that I should be resting in this stupid hospital bed rather than taking to her. She told you, right? Yeah, you two are best friends, aren't ya? Just to tell you, everything she said was the truth. I did break a rib. But, it was worth it, and I didnt even do anything. That Winter Hall girl was pretty also. But poor samy. She's the one who actually stopped those thugs from hurting her. I got caught too quickly. Thats how she got that bruise on the inside of her arm. Did she show you her stomach under her shirt? Damn, those are some ugly brusies, and that horizontal cut across her stomach? Thats ugly. That asshole, david or whatever, pushed her down hard. She practically slid three feet. But, at least she was brave enough to stand up for that poor girl those three guys were beating up. Samy didnt even know her. It was.. Fascinating how she just right hooked that David punk. But, I hate to say it, she got her ass handed to her. Although, she did throw a couple of good shots. Heh, she likes to surpirse people. Thats why she makes herself seem defenseless,weak, and innocent, so it will be a big shock when people see her kick ass. You should've been there, but the way my girl tells stories, it makes you feel like you really were there. She told me, this morning, about your surprise day. I hope it went well. She was feeling sad, because winter collapsed that night right infront of her. She told me that she was going to act happy, happy for you, but I knew it wouldnt work. Unless something really good happens to make her really happy, otherwise she'll just sink in her seat and stay quiet. I hate that shy voice that she has when she's sad. Dont you? It makes me really mad. She also said that she couldn't laugh, cough, or even talk without her tummy hurting. The doc said nothing was broken, but still. We didnt even tell our parents. Samy covered up the ugliest bruise with her mom's coverup. Its on her neck, did you see it? last time I saw her, the bruises on her tum were green and yellow, and the cut on her stomach was still bleeding. What did you say when she told you? Or, was it you who asked? Certianly you can tell when she's sad, and when she's just faking happiness for other peoplez sake. I sure can.

Please, tell her to talk to me. Im a bit worried sick over her. She could barely walk outta the hospital, though I know she can act like she's healthy really well. But, from the way she talks about you, you must read her pretty well, yeah? And dont worry, I'm not like tom kat. I actually like you. I keep telling samy that she should let us both meet eachother sometime, but she's worried that I'll judge you like tom kat does her other friends. Which is retared, I wouldnt do a thing like that to samy's new best friend.

. .:.
Jordan Storm chapter 3 . 10/24/2006
you can't leave it there! please continue
Kir Sirin chapter 2 . 10/7/2006
damn! The last few paragraphs were SO funny! Ecspecially the old ladies part! I kept imagining you pushing Sr. Jo Rita in the mud, and her landing in it with a loud "Splat!". Haha oh man, that never gets old. I kept thinking that Kisk and Cal were gonna kiss. I was like "Kiss! Kiss already dammit! Eh... *faints*" I really do love this story. *thick country accent* "You're eyes look like honey, honey." *wink*
chrnoskitty chapter 2 . 9/24/2006
Yay! Awesome new chapter! Keep up the great work!
NO LONGER USING chapter 1 . 9/3/2006
Oh! I loved it, especially with all you descriptions and the dialogue was great. Keep up the good work chica and update soon.

Kir Sirin chapter 1 . 8/30/2006
course it can be called pirate king worthy! It's got the spice of a "spicy chick"... I THINK I get what that means now... I had to beg my sister to tell me, but I got it!
chrnoskitty chapter 1 . 8/30/2006
This was a really cute story! You're a really good writer, makes me suprised you'd like the weak drivel I spurt out... ; Anyways, keep up the great work. Oh, and if you're wondering I think Chapter 7 of Unexpected Shadows will be up sometime in September.