Reviews for Captive At Sea
BananaPoo chapter 31 . 2/19/2011
I really like this story. Update more! :]

But I have to say .. it really bugged me that it took them like 18 chapters to get on the damn boat! And Brigitte is a bit annoying too, she is so selfish. but anyways, i can't wait to see how they end up! :]
bam chapter 31 . 1/18/2011
more! more! more! i need more!
Alinzar chapter 31 . 1/6/2011
This is a great story, please, please, please update soon!

Night-Rayne chapter 31 . 12/16/2010
Wow, so I haven't read this story since 2007 or 2008 but I still think its really good, and the newer chapters flow. I hope you update it soon!
bam chapter 31 . 11/17/2010
im so glad you're back! this story has been dead for way too long :) it's wonderful and im enjoying every minute of it.
lorraine chapter 30 . 8/9/2010
Love this story and cant wait to read more...hopefully soon.
Kajal chapter 30 . 1/12/2010
The only person I care about at this point is Seb. I can't believe that when Brigitte found out about the deal, her first reaction was worry that she'd be left alone on the boat. She didn't think that Seb hadn't agreed yet because he's a good man and even if he doesn't care about her (which I doubt, though it would be understandable for him to not love her), he is at the very least fulfilling his duty as her husband. She's so horrible and selfish.

I really hope there isn't some unbelievable twist in which the the pirate and selfish maiden turn out to be the true victims, that's too cheap-adult-novelish. Sorry if all that seemed negative. All in all, I think you're a magnificent author. And even if I dont like where the story is going, I'm completely hooked and invested in it, which proves how amazing you really are at this. Update soon!
the Rococo chapter 30 . 10/20/2009
Update please.

Provide me a distraction from AP Euro.

Love the tension between Murdell and Brigette

(or was it Brigitte?).

You've created your own little world.

I like it.

You're amazing.

Update. Please.

This is the closest to begging I will ever come.
L'Archange chapter 30 . 9/22/2009
Me-ow! Oh, I like this! Hope an update is coming soon? :) Just one tiny criticism...though I thoroughly enjoy the banter and the dialogue in general - the one thing I notice is that some of your lines seem out of the blue - what I mean is, when there's dialogue I would LOVE to see how the characters came up with their next line...their mental thought process as well as more body language - I crave to be more involved with the characters...even if you do an awesome job of that as it is - I really like the complexity of the story in general - though I must say I have no sympathy for Brigitte. She irritates me sometimes...and I get confused as to whose side I'm. But you probably did that on purpose...? :) Please update soon!
MadameLeQueen chapter 30 . 9/4/2009
yay(: you've updated XD

great chapter :D
DarkestOfNights chapter 30 . 9/4/2009
An interesting turn of events, I wonder what Sebastien's answer will be. And what will become of Brigitte. Here's to hoping you will update soon :].
Abbie chapter 30 . 9/2/2009

Hallelujah! An update! _

Well, back to the story. The long wait was most certainly worth the quality of this chapter. I love how feisty Brigitte is. And I'm curious as to what Seb will choose: her or his freedom. I just love the dynamic relationship between Brigitte and Murdell.

Please, please, PLEASE update sooner this time :)
atreyu love chapter 30 . 9/2/2009
i love the story!

although it is a bit detailed. lol

PLEASE UPDATE, cant wait for the next chapter!
teardrop456 chapter 30 . 9/1/2009
ooh this is getting good. Please update very soon!
jlr chapter 30 . 9/1/2009
I am glad that you updated. This story is one of my favorites. I have to say, I kind of hope that Sebastien does annul the marriage and get released. There are a variety of reasons for this. As evidenced in this chapter, Brigitte still hasn't quite made it to the point where she's really going to be able to change. She's getting there, true, but I don't think that it's going to be a natural occurrence without some actual trauma to her psyche. I'm also feeling like Sebastien needs to emerge from whatever shadow he is under. He's proven to be far more intelligent than people give him credit for, and far more likable than I thought he would be based on Brigitte's description of him at the beginning. I'd like him to be an independent entity rather than Brigitte's husband.

Sorry if the advice is too much, but, even if you take none of it, I hope it helps you decide what you do want to do, and keep writing. ~jlr
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