Reviews for All She Had To Do Was Smile
This.Ink chapter 29 . 11/18/2008
is this story over? i hope not cause i really like it. (even though this is the frist time a review it, and i'm terribly sorry about it. ) but i sure hope that youcomtinue this story.

kepp up the grat writting skills.


XxSiennaxX chapter 15 . 10/28/2008
Hey :)

I'm halfway through reading (approx) your novel. I really like it! The emotion I'm feeling right now is really overwhelming and I'd like to compliment your amazing storyline, characters and expression.

One thing that's been annoying me though - slightly (i tend to notice the little things) is you like to use 'to' instead of 'too' and 'two' alot.

'to' i.e. i go to

'too' as in too much, too bad

and 'two' as in the quanitity or number.

I'm sure you didn't realise you were doing this but just keep an eye out.

This really is an amazing story

Panda Blitz chapter 29 . 10/24/2008
oh I hate Adams! please update! i love your story!
PoorEnglishArtist chapter 29 . 10/24/2008
mkay, so, several things to say about this story.

~ It's really very sweet, but there are some parts where it was just too sweet for me and I skipped it 'cause it wasn't interesting enough. That's more of a personal flaw than your fault, so ignore me on this one.

~ The emotions do not come across as 'real' sometimes. When her parents die, she almost gets raped, she's cross with Cam - at points it's a little contrived. And there is no way in hell that she could run and run and run... in high heels. "I’ll just grab my purse and then I’ll rush right over there" - this particulary struck me. In a crisis involving your son, is the first thing you say going to be about your purse? No! It's a given that you're going to get your purse.

~ For a 'hundred percent tomboy', she's awfully girly. Although for a girl to not believe that she's pretty when everyone tells her otherwise is not impossible. Still, when have boys that you've only just met called you 'gorgeous'? I have just started a new school, and I know that this doesn't happen. But still, this is fiction, no?

Still, can't wait til you update!
CrossMyHeart chapter 29 . 9/26/2008
Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game

Nice, Cinderella Story.


I Murder on Impulse chapter 29 . 9/11/2008
Awesome story!

sweet-heart24 chapter 29 . 8/18/2008
aw, i love this story so much. I hope you update it soon!
phantom232 chapter 29 . 8/16/2008
I can't wait for your next update! I hope Kiera beats Andrew like the whiny little baby he is! what a jerk... I love your story, great plot, very well written!

on the edge of insanity chapter 29 . 8/9/2008
UPDATE! Pretty please! I love your story its good and I only found a few spelling mistakes. Um other that that you just need to make sure you write who's Point of View its in.
greenteachailatte chapter 29 . 7/31/2008
i love this story!i can't wait for the nest chapter!
Ciaobellla chapter 29 . 7/19/2008

Please update soon! I beg of you. tehehe )
MamiPapi chapter 29 . 7/18/2008
Been reading this for some time now and I finally got to the last chapter. Please do continue writing! I wanna see andrew trashed!
MamiPapi chapter 6 . 7/11/2008
Hmm you rambled a little bit here. I sort of skipped the whole dialogue.

But the storyline is still very good, im moving on to next chapter now!
teardropsONroses chapter 29 . 7/5/2008
this is cute

and it's good


you rock
InkyHeart chapter 29 . 7/5/2008
I love this story!

Please keep it up...

Quickly too..

I love this.

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