Reviews for The Only One Who Ever Cared
Cookie Seller On The Dark Side chapter 24 . 9/8/2013
Aw! That was fantastic, well done with it!
Favs: 252 - Follows: 135
Let's changed that to: Favs: 253 - Follows: 136!
-Cookie Seller.
Guest chapter 24 . 2/8/2013
So it's 2:30 a.m. And I found this story and just now finished it I am just saying this has to be one of my faves! :)
colene chapter 16 . 2/3/2011
A lot of people wonder on here why she'd stay with chris cause of doing pot? Well I think its completely fine. Weed is more healthy than cigarrettes yet people don't mind being around that. As of right now, I think chris is a really sweet guy considering he cares what Lydia thinks. Its sad to know he's stoned most of the time though so the real him is never really there but maybe we'll see that real Chris soon? (;
colene chapter 6 . 2/2/2011
Its been a while since I've read a story on here that played with my emotions. This definitely does the trick! I felt the adrenaline, butterflies, anger, jelousy, EVERYTHING! I love seth's character. He's perfect in a way that isn't revolting. I find lydia's conscience really annoying and 'cause she's a wise-ass but cause its confusing and at times, pointless. The story could do without it but I guess it'd be less funny without it. Another thing I noticed is how you stress the fact that Los Angeles is where they live and how they say 'they went out to the city' a lot. I'm an LA girl and we don't usually say Los Angeles cause its too formal and we don't 'go out to the city' since everything IS a city. Even just outside on the yard. But I guess not everyone knows this unless you live here but I'm just sharing this fact :P
Lady of romance world88 chapter 24 . 10/23/2010
Hi. I really liked your story and its cute story. :D I can't believe that Chris is pothead and jerk cheater asshole. Poor Lydia. I glad that Stephanie and Lydia finally be friends again. I glad that Hayden is great friend. I am so happily that Lydia and Seth finally be the hot couples now. :) I wonder if you write Hayden or Stephanie's story? Keep writing :D
moonstar chapter 24 . 7/12/2010
your a funny author i loved your story so... sweet and funny at the same time. it was a great story.
ItRemainsUnseen chapter 1 . 6/28/2010
This is a good start. I think my fav character in this story is going to be her conscience (I know, it's not actually a separate character, but still). The fact that she argues with herself is hilarious. It reminds me of me. Can't wait to read more!
Jayda123 chapter 1 . 6/28/2010
hehe... i just stumbled across your story and thought id read it...

:) smiles!
GinzzzRoxxx chapter 24 . 5/21/2010
I like the whole concept of this story, but it needs a big tidy up (try not to take offence, I'm trying to be helpful.) I really don't think the internal arguing is necessary and it looks a bit amateurish, I like how you space out your writing though, it helps us ADD people pay attention. But although, I think a lot of unnecessary parts could be cut out, especially the scene in the restaurant with Seth, Chris and Nicky. There was just way to much to detail at that point. /criticism :p
abbiexcx1990x chapter 3 . 5/17/2010
Really great chap. The plot is developing well.
abbiexcx1990x chapter 2 . 5/17/2010
I love it so far. Even though it is kinda bad what she is going thru there is so much humour in the relationship between her and Seth
abbiexcx1990x chapter 1 . 5/13/2010
Awesome first chap! I love her attitude. So far so good, cant wait to see what happens next. Great introductions, I love how you(the reader) just get thrown in. There is no thousand-word intro that doesnt even have a purpose, it draws you in immediately. Great work. I will definitely continue this one,

Rosalie Abigail
Dance Your Heart Out chapter 24 . 5/1/2010
Loved it . ]

Cute story .
surprisinglyblack chapter 24 . 4/1/2010
very good...its so cute and realistic
writinglover419 chapter 13 . 12/23/2009
Pardon the non-sentence, but...EH!

I love it!
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