Reviews for skye
foxy501 chapter 10 . 11/1/2006
go for simon- I love your story- update soon!
Arsinoe03 chapter 10 . 10/31/2006
Wonderful story! Simon and Jason are a hot couple! Update soon.
Esquirella chapter 10 . 10/30/2006
Poor Simon. I feel bad for him, loving someone who's blind like that.
electraray chapter 10 . 10/29/2006
i really really am liking simon right now. was kinda hoping for this actually, when simon shows/expresses more of himself. the sex was okay, so don't worry about it. i just wish that the pace would pick up a little more?
emerald raven chapter 10 . 10/29/2006
i have to start off by saying that there should be more slash stories as well written as yours... and follow with YAY! hehe

i'm really loving Simon - he just strikes me as a total sweetie, and poor confuzzled Jason is really getting himself tied in knots.

anyway just thought i'd drop in and put my two penneth in :D

::much love::


x x x
dreamerdoll chapter 10 . 10/29/2006
Oh, I love this! Screw Skye! He should be with SIMON! Seriously, Simon is awesome! :D Anyway, yeah. So PLEASE update soon (you usually do) because I am SO anxious to read more! :D

Kian chapter 10 . 10/29/2006
That was great...but what what about Skye? I like him better.. it can't be helped, I guess since Jason over think things. He complicate things more it actually is. So he's making he's own life miserable and I feel sorry for him. So it's unrequited love but he can always work on it so it won't be unrequited anymore.
doragon41 chapter 10 . 10/28/2006
oh *sigh* you are so my hero! love this chapter. need some more simon/jase goodness!
Abstruse Blue chapter 10 . 10/28/2006
The whole Jason and Simon thing kind of suprised me, don't get me completely wrong though because I find Simon interesting and a fairly amusing character. But I am bumed on the Jason and Skye front -pout- I like Skye better...oh well...But you write marevously and I shall be anticpating the next update with zeal!
CaFFy chapter 10 . 10/28/2006
Aww! So cute. *) Ah I love it. But will they stay together seeing as the story has been entitled Skye? Please say yes because it's hawt. lol.
Would not Could not in a Box chapter 9 . 10/28/2006
ah. I adore you store. Alrighty.
emerald raven chapter 9 . 10/26/2006
For some reason I was really expecting Skye to turn up then and throw a lovely big spanner in the works... But alas I was wrong - ah well things turned out fine without him by the looks of it ;P

Must dash, but another brilliantly written chapter, totally made my day

::much love::


x x x
electraray chapter 9 . 10/26/2006
i'm totally liking jason's psyche right now. just fuck him up a little more will you? lol. anyway, i'm hoping to see more of simon. i mean, i like skye, but he's so passive. and yeah. a scene with all 3 of them. like a confrontation. that'll be good.
Pivoine chapter 9 . 10/26/2006
wonderful new chapter...and I want to cry! I don't know why but when I'm reading this, I feel so depressed! the choice is hard between Simon and Skye! but I think I would prefer if Jason went with Skye! I love Skye, he seems such a sweet young man! Simon is really sexy, a little sarcastic, more mature, I love him too, but I think he doesn't deserve Jason...and I'm mad at Jason for using Simon like that, as if Simon was just a kind of substitute! anyway I absolutely adore your story, so please do continue! I can't hardly wait for the next chapter!
Aiden chapter 9 . 10/25/2006
Wow... this is probably one of my favorite slash fictions ever. Really. The characters are great, the conflicts are great, your writing is great, the more interesting scenes made me blush ;). It's fabulous and I can't wait to read more.
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