Reviews for Where's My Prince
addicted chapter 48 . 2/20/2011
WAIT? who'se her husband?...i am so confused...
Lady of romance world88 chapter 48 . 10/22/2010
Hi. Your story is so beautiful. :) Who is Kelley's husband? Is it Dean? Is it Cameron? Why does Ethan return the ring for? How weird. *shook my head* i felt sorry for Drew. I am happily that James is safe with Dean. Poor Ethan, Drew and Dean's mother. I glad that Kelley pick the man who she loves and spent with her life with. :) Keep writing. I am look forward for the next new story. Can't wait for it. :D
dfghjklcvbnmm chapter 48 . 7/3/2010
Hmphh, I wanted her to be with Dean :( O' well
dfghjklcvbnmm chapter 44 . 7/3/2010
This story is so differant (that's a good thing) she falls in love with all the brothers but Dean is the one :) I wanted her to be with Dean :D
dfghjklcvbnmm chapter 1 . 7/3/2010
LOl reverse pchychology DO NOT READ
silentscream4luv chapter 49 . 11/29/2008
I will say that I loved the story and the writing. The only thing that I wanted to get mad about was her and Ethan. For some reason I wanted her to end up with him. Grr it was good though. But idk Ethan was the man.. lol
AJM chapter 3 . 10/29/2008
This story is ridiculously immaturely written. The punctuation is incorrect. A lot of the grammer is incorrect. And the plot line is immature. It hard to read the story because of it. It might be fun if you did some editing, but this is the last chapter for me.
mellow-jello chapter 49 . 7/18/2008
I loved it...

mellow-jello chapter 27 . 7/16/2008

mellow-jello chapter 25 . 7/10/2008

mellow-jello chapter 19 . 7/10/2008


mellow-jello chapter 15 . 7/10/2008

mellow-jello chapter 4 . 7/10/2008
Wow. i am still having trouble beleiving that this isn't a real story! God . you should publish this I am amazed!

luella.SO chapter 49 . 7/9/2008
honestly, im so surprised that you were able to end this story so well, despite your 'block'. i loved this ending! so im guessing she ended up with the guy from london, who pretended to be british? i forget his name! or is this just a new guy? anywho, god im glad you left ethan lingering!

xo ellaa
mellow-jello chapter 1 . 7/9/2008
Well, Kelly Kane, I know how you feel about you8r dad and everything. My mom left me and my dad when I was four. I only remember the face. But some times, the face will pop up in my head. When I drink dr, pepper, smell cigarette smoke. She hurt me so bad. i blamed myself for her leaving. Now, my entire family hates her, talks bad about her, to me. This Jimmy Dean guy sounds like real $$whole. I really thought that your story was great. was it real because it sure sounded real tome. I would be surprised if it was fake because you put so much feeling into it congrats. this is one of my favorite stories yet!

mellow-jello(jello's reveiw. Mellow and jello are 2 people.)

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