Reviews for Stardust Boys
tonight we bloom chapter 1 . 7/9/2009
Wow, that moved me.
all you need is oxygen chapter 1 . 6/20/2008
i love how you say something, and then point out how big of a lie it is.

"although, if i were really over you, i might have stopped counting."

best line.

i love your writing (:
kit feral chapter 1 . 2/6/2007
Me? This was inspired by... me? Oh wow! Cool!

And it is not a sad little poem. It's really, really good. I can't pick a favorite line. I love it all. Favsfavsfavs. Darling, this is lovely.

The burnt out stars, the being in love with faults, the banging your head to make them get out, the counting the days, the last line... I get it all.

You seriously touched me. Never stop writing. And this isn't my style, this is YOUR style, you own it. Beautiful.
Galleena chapter 1 . 10/1/2006
Confused? Was I meant to be? Anyway, I think I know where you're coming from. I can't honestly say I've been there myself but I can say that I liked the line:

I think the relentless banging of my head may finally have come to something(I think you’re falling out)

because people do obsess all your thoughts sometimes. Sometimes I would like to bang my head numberous times until they fall out!