Reviews for Eidolon
123123123123123po chapter 8 . 6/7/2007
i love that its twisted

so did her brother rape her when he ws alive?
YourGreatestFan chapter 8 . 6/7/2007
Very V.C Andrew-ish.
ashley chapter 7 . 6/5/2007
i love this story, there are somany turns, please update!
mimirox chapter 1 . 5/27/2007
i'm so confused... is charles her brother or her boyfriend or both or er... so lost
pneumothorax chapter 7 . 5/27/2007
Ah, explanation is nice.
pneumothorax chapter 6 . 5/27/2007
I can see why people asked if she had mental problems. I found the plot a little hard to grasp initially. There's a strange confused darkness that makes me feel uneasy when I read this.
Deliah Minicet chapter 7 . 5/22/2007
Crazy stuff - this story is really starting to take more concrete form now. Somehow in the shuffle of the year I forgot about this last chapter, but it is quite interesting. I like that Clara is there (conciously, I would think) as a means for things to be stated more directly, since the rest of the time we are seeing things from Cassie's distorted perspective. I really like the way you are writing this story, especially because of how different it is from everthing else you have written thus far. I can't wait to read more; how will Cassie react to Charles killing her Cat and what is Charles really like away from Cassie? Hm.
MeZzeDUpGuRL chapter 7 . 5/16/2007
Its...very weird. But, nevertheless, its interesting.

Its very different than your other stories, but who am i to complain? At least you're still gracing us with your work. Hehe.

Klianie Janiko chapter 7 . 5/15/2007
This story is a bit disturbing but it's good. A bit like a mild VC Andrews. But why did Connor rape Cassy? How long is this story going to be? And I agree with the change of the rating.
azn aquarian chapter 7 . 5/6/2007

i'm not a new reader to ur stuff..always been a fan of anything u write..but i didn't really ever have a look at this one. but now that i have..all i can say's pretty intense..and it's got some really good things going. i love it. keep updating! but i'm a bit confused..? so..cass was forced to marry by her father but he's dead now? thats where the blood money comes frm? older brother..who charles killed?
tnguyen chapter 7 . 5/4/2007

I really like this story so far; it's original -fuzzy, scarry, and very deep... (No cliches!) I wonder if you've finished the story yet. I hope that this might have a good ending, haha, I love good endings :).

crossed Ts chapter 7 . 4/22/2007
Firstly, woah...this plot is pretty intense. At first i thought Charles was probably the only trustworthy one...but ow...I reckon Clara is. It feels like Charles is manipulating as well as protecting Cassie. And omg, the way you ended this chapter...i have a feeling when the voice sais that Charles couldn't stand Cassie loving anyone more than him (Charles), it was referring to Tick. Right? Which means, *he* killed that cat! Omg that's so scary. You have me biting on my thumb in anticipation. Please update soon!
J. Abigail chapter 7 . 4/14/2007
Wow I must say, this is a very, very good story! It had me on the edge the whole time and I was completely drawn in. I hope you're not going to stop it, I really want to find out what happens. I feel so sorry for Cassie and it does seem like Charles is brainwashing her. Just a few questions. Why did Connor rape Cassie? And does Charles love Cassie for only sexual reasons, because he killed the cat and you said something about what he dreams before.

Anyway, please update soon.

Christina chapter 7 . 4/12/2007
woah... it's getting more and more intricate..

charles' character is very complicated too.

can't wait for your update :)

RedBerries chapter 7 . 3/23/2007
Suddenly I don't like Charles. And though I really want to like Connor, I don't think I like him either.

One a side note, I take it that they absence of updating is due to the Romance and Reason rewrite?
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