Reviews for Eidolon
B.T. Lines chapter 1 . 9/28/2006
Odd... sounds very interesting though! Slightly incestous in parts... I like it a lot so far! Even though I have NO clue where it is going! :)
Kendal chapter 1 . 9/28/2006
And so it begins... Remember what I told you about this, and why you should write it, okay? It's not supposed to be a "comfortable" story. :)
Ambra chapter 1 . 9/28/2006
I've got just one thing to say. Please continue with this one.
FadedWhispers chapter 1 . 9/28/2006
I was just checking my email, YAY another update.. And then i was like OMG A NEW STORY! lol!

its great... but yeah im confused, is charles cassie's brother or what... i dont think i want them together... LOL!

Chip chapter 1 . 9/28/2006
woah... i got confused.

it seems they're siblings yes? in which case, the fact that you choose to put that line as your summary, kind of creeps me out.

she has feelings for her brother?
Maroon chapter 1 . 9/28/2006
I'm glad you've decided to try something new rather than anymore sequels. This was interesting you managed to give away quite a lot of facts without actually giving away much.

It's a rather ambiguous beginning that entralls the reader very slowly as the chapter progresses, leaving lots of unanswered questions.

I'll be interested to know where this is going. Is cassie epiletic? I think perhaps Charles is only her half brother but there is a interesting relationship between the two.

You're writing definatly seems more mature and I liked your descriptions and metaphors in this chapter.

Cassie comes across very child-like, like an child trapped in an adults body.

Anyway waiting for your next chapter.

Jaz108 chapter 1 . 9/28/2006
Interesting, I want to see where it leads
why can't I just be tall chapter 1 . 9/28/2006
well I think I like it but it's hard to tell alfter only 1 chapter, I'm intrigued though and I hope that you update soon as I want to know more.
caralene chapter 1 . 9/28/2006
You're back!

Judging from the mood of the story, it's a far cry from the other stories that you had written. There are so many questions and so many holes that needs to be filled in.

Anyway I'll wait for the next update while I snigger at the people who'll be squealing and scrambling to read this new treat from you. LOL!
goblinishelves chapter 1 . 9/28/2006
I totally adoreseth you. xD *clap clap*

The chapter was quite ambigious at first. Seriously, I thought Charles was a random boyfriend of hers and then it turns out to be her brother. Well. 0

It was good though, and it's awesome you've chosen a new kind of look towards fiction to write on! Yay!
Driew chapter 1 . 9/28/2006
hey. it sounds good so far. interesting. the writing was great and i like the main character already. i cant wait for more.

Autumn Reflections chapter 1 . 9/28/2006
oh i love the start!

keep writing! looking forward to the next chapter.
g chapter 1 . 9/28/2006
great story! a lot of secrets are on the way i sense. One queestion: is charles Cass's brother? It sounds like it the way you say "our" father. I hope not. This sounds like a love story between them so far. I dont wana it to be incest XD nice job tho!
jukeboxsabotage chapter 1 . 9/28/2006
this is intriguing, but a little confusing at the same time. maybe my mind isn't really functioning right now(i blame it on assignments and assignments and assignments) but are Charles and Cass brother and sister? it seems so because of the "when i was little" part under Cass' POV, but at certain parts they don't really act like brother and sister, and more like a couple. so could you clarify that for me? thanks. another job well done though, keep it up!
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