Reviews for Never Wanted Prince Charming
Guest chapter 1 . 5/27/2019
I much prefer your other story - taylor - life of heartrob...its have more depth ...this story too sime
Nami98 chapter 9 . 10/2/2011




This is like THE best story on fictionpress, i swear. Its full of drama, romance, its really funny...ITS AWESOME DUDE.


I know your life might be busy as hell nowadays, but atleast consider it!
Sherry chapter 9 . 7/14/2010

Don't leave us with a cliff hanger. I am officially pissed at you even though we have never met.

You have a talent with words. This is one of the best brother's best friends stories I've ever read. I love the plot. Clichéd but cute. I say you bring in a little more of Preston and Marc's friendship.

I need to know what happened in that accident. And I'm pretty sure your other avid fans need this too. don't just leave us hanging. at least tell us you're abandoning. But no. You can't. I will creepily come to your house and force you to write.

I think Ian and Reine should have another fight. And this time Reine should realize what a pussy he is.

RoxyCupcake chapter 9 . 1/2/2010
What happened to the next chapters? I love this story and I really want her to end up wiht Preston...she has to!Update soon please :) xx
ebs chapter 9 . 12/26/2009
update please
renegade01 chapter 9 . 10/31/2009
love the drama. ;)
Priscilla Shay chapter 9 . 5/16/2009

come back here and update this...

lol, i want to see whats going to happen, i mean...i figure preston likes her but never said anything because she kept giving him mixed singles, and she never said anything to him bc she swore he hates her...but i want to know why he ended up with callie, and how come he never questioned her and callie's friendship ending when they got together.

so many questions

and serious is the accident?

but i like ian..he seems nice :( ugh, i dont want him hurt

Please come back? With a cherry onto? Vanilla ice cream, hot fudge and sprinkles?


one and only chapter 9 . 5/7/2009
please please update! i agree with the person who said that all the stories that should(in our opinion) be updated are not!

oh and i love preston... please tell me he didn't die and that they finally end up together!
Joanikens chapter 8 . 3/23/2009
can u please update? i love this story and a lot of other ones... it's amazing to me that all the stories i want to update don't and i really don't want this story to continue this way so please update it would make me so happy! :)
Erica71167 chapter 9 . 3/11/2009
I really like this story! It's great! Do you think you'll continue?
glamoureste chapter 4 . 12/26/2008
I absolutely love your story!

This is like, my 4th time re-reading it.

But did you edit it? Cause I seriously don't remember that it was in present tense... huh...

was it always?
xInkMusique chapter 9 . 10/26/2008
i like them both... i'm pretty sure that reine is liked by jase, preston, and ian. i like both preston and ian but i think she should stay with ian
Aurora Corona chapter 9 . 10/23/2008
OH PRESTON! He's so sweet!

I just stumbled across the story today, and I really did think that that mystery person was Preston! Well I hoped anyway.

Update soon! Its really cool.

Ian doesn't seem that bad now... Actually, he's pretty awesome.

And Jase... Is he gonna end up with Andie?


sherbetsi chapter 9 . 9/30/2008
okay so its been a while since your last update! i think we deserve a new chapter..

by the way im all for Preston and think that Reine is completely blind..
I Murder on Impulse chapter 9 . 9/21/2008

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