Reviews for Never Wanted Prince Charming
Day2Dreamer chapter 2 . 3/3/2007
haha! wow! i absolutely can't wait to see what happens next! i was laughing throughout the entire chapter - it was great! D amusing, entertaining, and all the synonyms that exist! (which i can't think of at the moment cause i'm half sleepy)... but congratulations on teh start of a wonderful story!
quotata chapter 2 . 3/2/2007
lol... that was a really fun chapter.. and way easier to comprehend at 3am in the morning compared to chapter 1. please continue
victim of reality88 chapter 2 . 3/1/2007
Wow. the 2nd chapter was even better than the 1st. jase is so 'cute' lol. He just seems so likeable. I love the direction this is headed. The marriage project is sure to be hilarious. Anyways please UPDATE SOON!
chocolategoodness chapter 2 . 3/1/2007
hey.. that was a great chapter! more please! hope it wouldn't take you so long to update. I wonder who Reine is going to be paired up with? It's getting really interesting. Cheers!
insane in the brain chapter 2 . 2/28/2007

Yay ]

I have backstabbers .

Tell me she's going to get revenge... please? xD
InspiredByAKiss chapter 2 . 2/27/2007
I thought you'd forgotten about this one. :)

Jase's awesome. and I want to be his friend too, because he has connections, lol. I def need those, seeing as I'm skipping today and Belgian schools are very strict on that.

Preston sounds very, very hot, and I wonder what Callie said to him about Reine. He's an asshole though. And yeah, why should he care about how people call Reine? Rei's cute anyway.

Hope you find the time to update soon!
wandless chapter 2 . 2/27/2007
This is a very cool story! It's something different from the usual brother's best friend story. Please update soon!
Box.Of.Chocolates chapter 2 . 2/27/2007
aw...I love Jase...I like him so much better than Preston! I like her and Jase 2gether..its cute...Preston and Callie seem perfect for each other.
XxAmberRomancexX chapter 2 . 2/27/2007
But present-tense is good! Lol. This was a good chapter. I like Jase, he's cool. Platonically, of course.
XxAmberRomancexX chapter 1 . 2/27/2007
Wow. This is Very different. I like it though. Pleace keep going!
Twinkle Star Bell chapter 2 . 2/27/2007
I really like this story. It's the typical boy hates girl yet girl loves boy. Aw and I also loved the first chapter about the Prince Charming. I mean who needs Prince Charming. right. lol. UPDATE SOON! This story is so good.
victim of reality88 chapter 1 . 2/11/2007
Hey. i really like the idea of this story. Are you going to continue it? You really shood. Please update it SOON!
chocolategoodness chapter 1 . 1/26/2007
it's interesting..yeah definitely.. you've got a great plot here
jojo chapter 1 . 12/30/2006
this is interesting... is there more to this story? D
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