Reviews for Melody
The Midnights Sun chapter 7 . 9/23/2007


I love this story so much!


I'm sensing irony.

Will the first guy she broke be the last? [dun dun dun!]

haha. please update soon!
Silly-girl15 chapter 11 . 9/19/2007
This is an awsome storie! Cant wait to read more, and also cant wait for the two of them to get together and for her to brake up with hte other guy. lol
pleasebequiet chapter 11 . 4/22/2007
aww..i didnt think luke felt that way!*tear* MATT..M.A.T.T what does that spell? MAT! okay so i added like 7 more T's but thats okay, atleast you know what i mean. soon!i just hope luke doesnt kill matt when he and melody get together...*silence, grasshopper does that weird sound* you are going to put them together arent you...?O_o update soon!
Petals In My Palm chapter 11 . 4/22/2007
Can a chapter be pretty? Cuz this one is. I dunno, thats what I think when I read it. Pretty. Omigosh I'm such a loser. But anerways, very good. Ha chapterette that makes me laugh. Um...can you update soon..please?
drakunshanks chapter 3 . 4/21/2007
Albums for you.

"Headhunters" by Herbie Hancock.

"And the Battle Begun" by the Rx Bandits.

"Live at the Apollo (1963)" by James Brown.

"So Much For The Afterglow" by Everclear.

"Morning View" by Incubus (my hands down favorite band).

And lastly.

"Duality" by Ra.

This is a good collection of some of the best innovators in rock, jazz, and funk.

All areas that I specialize in, as a musician.
pleasebequiet chapter 10 . 4/21/2007
man, her fathers a HIM!argh!once again..matt!harah! soon!_
pleasebequiet chapter 9 . 4/20/2007
Petals In My Palm chapter 9 . 4/20/2007
Hehe, nice chapter, nice chapter. I like the ending of the second part about the final thing. Omigosh...don't even get me STARTED with mets vs. yankees. Yankees all the way! Woot. Sorry. I'mvery passionate about baseball. Anyways, good job! Looking forward to the next one!
pleasebequiet chapter 8 . 4/15/2007
matt all the way. GET OUT OF THE PICTURE LUKE!mattmattmattmattmattmatt!update soon!
eliza-smiles chapter 7 . 4/9/2007
oo i love music soo much, i like the way that this story is going... i like matt more than luke but then again i guess most people would...anyways hope to check outsome more of your work, cheers
Wishes Desires chapter 7 . 4/8/2007
I find this really good but i can't wait until it becomes a little more fast paced if you know what i mean. Can't wait 2 read the rest..
pleasebequiet chapter 7 . 4/7/2007
matt is so sweet! update soon!
blackcat13sady chapter 6 . 4/7/2007
I love your story line! I can't wait for you to write more.
FireDancer chapter 6 . 4/7/2007
My only criticism is to add more detail and make the chapters longer.
pleasebequiet chapter 6 . 4/6/2007
YOUR NOT GOING TO UPDATE FOR 2 DAYS! i dont think i can bear it! oh! update soon please!
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