Reviews for Smokey Breath
Reflex chapter 5 . 4/12/2007
Those accents you do for specific characters are actually pretty good. :)

And I like the story. Write more!
Reflex chapter 3 . 11/8/2006
Hey, very good! Good descriptions...good concepts...good language! do you say it...flowy...

Good job!
Kir Sirin chapter 1 . 10/21/2006
"if I should waste precious study-for-test time" Haha yeah right. We both know you dont study. You're just lucky enough to get an A on a test without studying. xp

Hmm.. I wonder what the girl's name is? Eh? Haha, whatever. Even though this was a really, really, short chapter, I liked it. It was cute when you put the whole smile and rolling of the eyes thing.

Thanks for reviewing my damn poem. *sigh* I GUESS I wont delete it, since you already left a comment.