Reviews for Free Fallin'
Guest chapter 34 . 2/17/2014
I feel like now the storyboard been truly abandoned which makes me sad to have read the whole thing and ended up without an end :3
Prodigee123 chapter 2 . 10/24/2013
throwingstars chapter 1 . 8/17/2012
I miss this story. Is it ever going to be updated?
AnonymousReads chapter 1 . 8/2/2012
this story is a lot like under my skin
AnonymousReads chapter 34 . 8/1/2012
dont dothis you have to update pretty please i need to know the endin atleast an epilogue. So far so good story. :)
elaine41779 chapter 34 . 7/25/2012
Loved the story so far but would really love an ending please!
NeonTime chapter 11 . 6/30/2011
I know I'm supposed to feel bad, but I just kept cracking up with the "secret". Assholes as romantic leads with hilariously tragic pasts are just funny and uninteresting, I suppose. Still it's solidly written, and I am enjoying it. So, thumbs up?
mj0379 chapter 33 . 2/24/2011
This is one of my favorite stories that I always come back to reread. The title is what first got my attention (big Tom Petty fan):)
NeverHeardOfYou chapter 33 . 1/23/2011
This story is AMAZING! It practically made me cry most of the time. Can't wait for you to update. :)
Natalie chapter 34 . 6/24/2010
Please continue this story! I love it and it is written very well. The characters are believable and have so much emotion. The plot is great and it is one of my favorite stories! So please, please, please finish it!
ToastedMarshmellow007 chapter 33 . 3/6/2010
I have to admit that I am completely obsessed with Free Fallin! You have a magical gift for writing...and those characters...I want my own Devan! I'd totally settle for any other band member though because I love them all! You must must MUST update soon and end my agony...I honestly check like everyday to see if you've updated haha

Keep up the amazing work!

Hiddengirl10 chapter 33 . 1/6/2010
I loved this chapter! ) I just couldn't stop smiling all the way through. Now, I can't wait for you to update. Love the story!
Islaa chapter 34 . 1/3/2010
okay, i just started and finished what there is to read of free fallin' and honestly? It's amazing!

I'm completely in love with Devan, and I'm sure you and many other readers are as well.

i really hope you can update soon, so good luck with your writing.

love, Isla
Jinxed Rogue chapter 17 . 12/10/2009
I'm really enjoying your story so far and how interactive your A/Ns are. You've got a good style holding the story up, and I have a taste for massive drama. To answer your question:

"Poor Devan, wracked with problems but unable to share them yet...-sigh-Tell me what you think, are you sad for Devan, too? I am, and poor Jayden, too!"

I keep thinking that Devan might be using Jayden emotionally (though not intentionally), hopefully he wises up and realizes what he's doing.
PaleAndInteresting17 chapter 34 . 10/26/2009
hey i just started on fiction press and just wanted to say i love this story and if its not too much could you at least put up a prologue if you really don't want to keep going

lots of respected for fantastic writing

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