Reviews for This Could Be Love For Fire
insane in the brain chapter 9 . 4/29/2007
So much drama.. this is uber entertaining :)
merrymowmow chapter 9 . 4/11/2007
I was wondering when you're going to update?
Ice and Snow chapter 9 . 4/11/2007
it's getting dramatic xD i love it.
Allison Smith chapter 9 . 3/15/2007
GR pleasse update?
Rose Jameson chapter 9 . 2/13/2007
interesting! CANT WAIT FOR MORE
OoohLookACat chapter 9 . 2/11/2007

poor sadie

stupid lauren.

kicking her out like that.

and aw again at the end with Lyndon.

but i guess i get why Sadie said 'not yet'

it's nice that Cole came out about his...i guess you could say feelings.

he seems like a much nicer person now

and that stupid akello

killing her zebra like that.


good chapter

can't wait for more

Twinkle Star Bell chapter 9 . 2/11/2007
That was good. Actually way better I love the characters reactions and finally Sadie seems to have picked up a brain. I really liked it actually and I think it's a good idea to go back and edit after you're finished. Lets just see where the story takes us and then you can go back and change it. It's always fun to see how a rough draft of a story will play out. hehe. Update soon this story is getting good.
Rose Jameson chapter 8 . 2/6/2007
she is in a rock and a hard place
gulistala chapter 6 . 2/2/2007
Okay, I've read your whole story but I forgot to add a couple more things...hehe. First of all, Sadie keeps abruptly switching between the guys and she has moved on WAY too fast from Chris. Now I dont know whether you were just rushing to get to the point, or you did it unintentionally, but it kinda, you know, 'punctures' the story...:D

I hope my reviews are helpful, and please dont take these as mean reviews. :D


gulistala chapter 8 . 2/2/2007
This is really rushed. I know you're trying to get to the point, because most times so do I *grins guiltily* but you really need to slow down a little bit. But dont worry, I come across MUCH worse. :D Now, you asked what things they were saying sounded unreal? Well I guess the whole rushing of this fic makes some things sound unreal I suppose. With Lyndon's 'baby' for example. It sounds a bit off. And I'm getting an image of 16-17 year olds making out with each other just for fun and sex. If you want to get romance in here, then I think you need kind of cut back on the 'I just want sex' thing. hehe. But if you dont want romantic anyway, then you will do fine so long as you slow down and not rush. There we go again. Rushing. I guess if you slow down, everything else will slowly come into play and improve.

I hope my review is helpful, please dont take this wrong way. I want this fic update ASAP! :D

gulistala chapter 7 . 2/2/2007
No seriously. Sadie here is a ditch with a capital B!
roxy chapter 8 . 1/28/2007
ah i dont want her to betray Landon! SO SAD. and even if she does i REALLY REALLY hope they end up together.

k bye! update sooN!

master of suspence chapter 8 . 1/21/2007
ok i'm getting mixed signals here... i thought she was going for cole *who is an ass* and now it's lyndon *who i hope keeps her bc he is way better a guy*. plz pick one guy i cant live in this constant turmoil!
som1 chapter 8 . 1/21/2007
i don't like sadie. she's such a skank.


she needs to pick.
OoohLookACat chapter 8 . 1/21/2007
i just have one thing to say -


grr i hate him even more now.

the tattoos and piercings are sexy...but...

Lyndon...stay with Lyndon.

don't go with Cole.

Evil, evil Cole.

Sexy, innocent Lyndon.

Choose the good one!


anyways, good chapter, made me hate Cole more - but...i guess i shouldn't blame you since you didn't try and make him that way ]

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