Reviews for she's the start of the war
kit feral chapter 1 . 12/23/2006
This poem seduced me and left me naked on the floor the next morning.

"she’s the start of the war, she’s stealing his life, she’s everything you ever wanted to destroy. she’s perfect submission"

What can I even say about that? It's the kind of line that I wish I'd written and it makes me want to run off and try. Your writing inspires me. Never stop. You see things the way they should be seen and write them the way they should be written. I'm faving this, in case you couldn't tell.

(I also love your bio, very poetic. You sound more like myself than I do, if that makes any sense.)
by His blood chapter 1 . 11/29/2006
sounds like Her, except for the last line. it should be 'she gives up reality for love' if it was about Her. and it isn't, but it comes damn close and it hurts to read and you wrote it beautifully. the honesty and rawness of your writing is comforting. you don't hold back, and i love it. i love your poetry.
poetic abortion chapter 1 . 10/29/2006

Thats it; your seductive as hell poetry style is just addicting and I. Love. It.

Amazing; this poem is just a wind-down toward beautiful-ugly.

- Noelle
Maggot Blood chapter 1 . 10/27/2006
That feeling of wanting I get when I read your poems is very strong in this piece, I like this one alot.

i'll ask the stars above chapter 1 . 10/26/2006
'she gives up love for reality'...


this poem is all feeling and image and sensation,

picture after breath taking picture.
Circus Caprice chapter 1 . 10/26/2006
I'm not much of a poetry dude, but I liked it.
bittersweet.season chapter 1 . 10/26/2006
and she’s a tease full of push-up bras.

she’s beautiful and it’s amazing the way

she gives up love for reality.


i wish i wrote that!
