Reviews for My Story
natmarie chapter 1 . 8/9/2009
This is great. It has a nice flow and is an easy read, not bogged down by too much detail or random babbling (that's a good thing). Cute concept too, not often people on here write about breaking cliches.
eskimoxisses chapter 2 . 4/7/2007
Hey, I like your story, "My Story" and absolutely think you shouldn't take it down because it's...well i like the originality of it and it seemed to me going at a casual pace. I usually don't read many 'reality' based/themed stories, and I think reality would be a new step-up. However, there is a problem with letting yourself out on the internet...But..please continue writing this story:P
Rebellion Author chapter 2 . 3/29/2007
If you want to, that's a great idea. A really great idea.

Rebellion Author.
Kiara Asukara chapter 1 . 2/12/2007
Wow, I have much in common with this person. lol. I'm quite the baseball fanatic as well. :) Go D-backs! Ahem. Anyway, sorry. lol. Back to the point. This one-shot is interesting, though. I think it would make a good story if it was continued. Maybe something will happen with this Jackson person...? Anyway, this is really cool. I like it. It's nice and simple, but it holds your interest. I'll check out some of your other works~Kaitlin
gabe chapter 1 . 10/28/2006
okay? THis is quite interesting. Ok, i know this is written right now, but is there someone you were thinking about in particualer when writing this?

I like it.
Chiclets chapter 1 . 10/28/2006
Not to be extremely critical right off, but...

"I still talk to the guys I used to play ball with. I’d like to think I’m still friends with some of them.

When finally reached high school a few years ago, and what a year it was."

When finally? Did you miss a word? Just wondering. And this is good! And worth the trouble. Heh heh heh. You're putting it in the binder though?
Rebellion Author chapter 1 . 10/28/2006
Cool. I take it, this is from your point of view (as in you yourself) because the character sounds so much like you. So are you saying you like one of the guys at school? Who?

Rebellion Author.

P.S. For the sake of Kaeli, is it Paul? Or IT? Joking! Joking! *turns and runs as fast as possible*