Reviews for I hate my existance
Nemonus chapter 1 . 4/8/2007
I liked this poem up until the line "Why can't I do something?" when it got too angsty and not creative enough. However, before that, I quite like the analogy of the yellow sphere and your comments on people with strong emotions, as well as the close-to-fantasy intro of whomever/whatever says "My dear child, naive aren't you? It's/quite sickening." He sounds like an interesting character. Looks like "Those who cannot be love" is missing a word. I did not read your rantings before and after. I like the summary-"i decided on writing my poems about my thought on life instead of getting all depress[ed].". Instead of, instead of with. There's a good idea.
weedpeach chapter 3 . 4/5/2007

this was a great poem, even though it did seem a little emo to me.


keep up the good work.

A hahah
20210403 chapter 2 . 4/4/2007
Oh... interesting... they are quite emotional and depressing. It sounds like, especially for the first chapter, that there is more than one voice that's speaking- an internal voice? Kind of like... the angel and devil type of thing for someone.

With the way you wrote these, I think people can relate to what you were feeling then too. I'm glad you were able to take that negative energy and put it into something creative. Writing is a great way to release some of your tension :3.
8circus12head8 chapter 2 . 2/26/2007
Both of those poems were really well-written. They're both depressing, but they portray that feeling accurately so I give them credit. I'm sorry for being curious but I have to ask- When you write this, do you do it to get the emotion out or do you build upon it? I've seen it happen both ways, and I guess I'm just trying to say I hope you feel better about life, because it's too short to spend your time fussing and fighting my friend (In the immortal word of the beatles :)

Bottom line though is your a good writer!
weedpeach chapter 1 . 2/20/2007

Sendako chapter 2 . 1/25/2007
x3 THIS POEM WAS GOOD TO! lol XD Sometimes I feel that way... Like I should be poofed off the face of the earth; like I don't belong. Sometimes, I may just come back and read this poem to you know... XD' Help myself out! NICE POEMS!
Sendako chapter 1 . 1/25/2007
THAT WAS A REALLY GOOD POEM! x3 You have multiple personalities... that's kewl... lol XDD I especially like the part when you were talking of the blackness inside of you. So dark... vuv

OH AND BY THE WAY: o Thanks for reviewing my story! I really appreciare it.
Callipygian chapter 2 . 1/9/2007
I like this one a lot more then the first, it kept a constant smooth transition.

It was cute in a depressing kinda way ...

You have alot of talent.

We all might be alone in the world, but as long as we have ourselves we're not utterly alone. So try to leave your mark anyway you can, so "where you stand in time won't be erased"

Callipygian chapter 1 . 1/9/2007
I'm glad you chose to write this instead of killing yourself. The part where you said " That was hyper me, can't even spell correctly" rhymed ... I like that n_n

Anyway, this poem is very expressive of you views, and it's easy to understand how you feel, and why you think the way you think.

I hope your poem helps relieve you of some of the frustrations of life, and hope to read more stuff from that creative mind of yours.
Keith Anthony Power Campbell chapter 1 . 11/4/2006
Erm, well, it was certainly unique, and that's always something worth aspiring to ;p! And as for multiple personalities, I thought the old saying went "Two heads are better than one.", no?