Reviews for Something Like It |
Some Assembly Required chapter 4 . 1/26/2007 wow, pretty cool story you have here D i really liked the beginning with the 'cliche' rant...rant? paragraph? _; andand~ the comedy xD funny romance stories love :3 cant wait for the next chapter! |
akb-inactive chapter 3 . 1/16/2007 Like another reviewer said, I like how she isn't perfect. Not everyone has that 'PERFECT' best friend relationship, but they still manage to be friends... but yeah, they were sort of harsh in their fighting! And i'm the same, I can't exactly make complete sentences when I'm mad. It's more like "GR! AH! GR!" XD And I like how you don't focus everything on romance. I mean, stories with romance are great, but life doesn't exactly revolve around you and your crush all the time, right? So points on that. :D I'd leave a more detailed review about grammar etc, but I'm too burnt for that.. haha! Great story! :D |
Miz Em chapter 3 . 1/15/2007 I really like this story so far. I feel like Anna is really human. I mean she has problems with her best friend instead of being perfect together. A good point in plot development, was thatyou didn't give her whole life story in the first few chapters. _ Kudos~ |
Quirin chapter 3 . 1/15/2007 Nice story, please continue. I love it, couldn't stop reading, it's very good. Would it make a good twist if she cuts? |
someone0is0me1 chapter 1 . 1/15/2007 And footinmouth syndrome IS WHAT? Update soon. |
Trishcbury chapter 3 . 1/15/2007 i know that song! it's on my mp3. :D haha so we have similar reactions to boys then. glad i'm not alone. and i like that you gave the story a realistic edge. it can't ALL be sunshine. |
akb-inactive chapter 2 . 11/29/2006 Haha, well, I'm willing to return the favor of reviewing. :) Sadly yeah, I removed the other story because I sort of lost interest in it... ANYWAY. I love those short, clipped statements in this story. Like: "Pickles, I tell you" and "Well, at least I learned one thing from this: He has pretty, dark blue eyes." Good job. :) |
Trishcbury chapter 2 . 11/10/2006 haha i'm proud to be your first review. & i have that same problem! I didn't know how to put it into words but when i see a guy i think is cute in the hall way, i'll pointedly look away from him (which is almost as obvious as looking straight at him) and i chant this weird little mantra in my head. it goes, "i don't like you, I don't know you, i don't even see you." & usually that's ALL a lie. haha i know i'm strange, but i'm glad i'm not the only one. |
Lindzi chapter 2 . 11/10/2006 Bravo! Good again, I almost cried I was laughing so hard. Write more soon chica! |
sparkle587 chapter 2 . 11/10/2006 This is really good! I like Anna and I can't wait to get to know everyone better! ~felicia |
Lindzi chapter 1 . 11/9/2006 AH! I love it! Brilliant really. More soon please. Love Anna, and the whole crowd seems kinda familar...I wonder. Oh well. |
akb-inactive chapter 1 . 11/7/2006 Hey! I think you reviewed for me once, so of course, I had to return the favor. :) I love the beginning. It really drawed me in, and I could relate to her. Well, not really because I'm pretty good in Algebra, but I often think about the manager at Mcdonald's part... but I usually think of Burger King instead. Haha! So yes, wonderful. Please continue! Oh, and it's spelled adieu. :P |
Trishcbury chapter 1 . 11/6/2006 this is pretty cool. i think i like it. do you have a plot mapped out? |