Reviews for Despondency
Finnyh chapter 2 . 11/20/2006
Woo! This is awesome! I'm really enjoying it! So much better for narrative and not so much speech! This is getting really good and I hope you update soon! Hope you continue with your other story too! Later! Derek: Jenson's Wolf, Professer of Doctology x
Finnyh chapter 1 . 11/20/2006
Aye, just like my little friend Daisuki said, maybe a little thin with the actual, ut in general I love where this is going and it really has potential! Maybe you could concentrate less on speech my little Ninja of the Midmorning! Good luck! Derek: Jenson's Wolf, Professer of Doctology.
Cedric Kale chapter 2 . 11/8/2006
Wait it this chapter supposed to be before the first one, oh and one more thing way too much dailogue. i liked the Seiichi seducing Yuji thing really cute.
Cedric Kale chapter 1 . 11/8/2006
aw that is so sweet but i think when introducing new characters try to make it more obvious 'cause i kinda got confused when Isamu came in
Three of a Kind chapter 1 . 11/8/2006
I really like this story. Very good. Do you have anymore added to it, or was this a one-shot? Well, I'll check your page anyway. you have an artist for this yet? I'd love to see it in manga form. If not, I'd be willing to do it. Just wondering.

Keep it up!
