Reviews for Will you Come bacK?
gal anonim chapter 3 . 1/5/2008
i love this story. haha i love a lot of your stories.

it makes me smile.
Kir Sirin chapter 2 . 12/23/2006
I have one request/favor: Please dont burn this.

“Thanks Reid, that fucking rain was a bitch.” Haha, that line was the best! And, for some odd reason, I'm in love with Jean and Trey. I like them! They make such a cute couple.

Oh, and uh... Merry Christmas... I guess...?
Kir Sirin chapter 1 . 11/16/2006
Ah!This story is so cute! It comes soo close to Kisky! -Heart- ANDD, you dedicated it to me! Ahh! -double hearts!- Dammit, you're making me go all girly. I love you! I'm gonna attack you with a surprise hug tomorrow! ;D

Likes to cuss? Pft, I cuss WAY more than that. It's like: blah, blah, blah cuss.. Blah, cuss, cuss, cussy, cuss, cuss. Bla-Cuss. Cu-Oh hey! That kid looks cute, cuss. But you said it didnt bother you, so I'm gonna keep doing it!

You better update this one. Get at least 2 more chapters up so it can even out with my Kisky, okay? You rock my pirate!