Reviews for Once A Slave II: Magewise
the pregnant scholar chapter 1 . 11/16/2006
i'm so happy that there is a sequel! i really enjoyed your first story and i look forward to reading this one. is your work going to be published, then?
Nicale chapter 2 . 11/15/2006
_ awesome! can't wait for wendsday
Ren D chapter 2 . 11/15/2006
Oh my goodness, i've been waiting so long for you to finally write more!

The changes you made were good. And I noticed you mentioned Lark's hair... finally, now I know how long it is. haha.

Yes, back to the changes. They were indeed necessary. I understand that as a writer, you have so many ideas and subplots, but throwing everything in at once and not concluding any (or at least not concluding most) was a really bad way to end a book.

The cool thing about stories IS the fact that they are less complicated than real life... there are one or two problems that the characters need to plow through, but its nothing compared to the gazillion things on everyone's mind in reality :P
Raziel Of Kendermore chapter 2 . 11/15/2006
Uh, reading this I begin to feel lost. Like when I make changes to my own stories and then read it again after a week and I'm all like "hey, wasn't he supposed to turn left instead of rightin this chapter" xD ok dumb example. But you know what I mean ;3 Anyway, I

just ENJOY and DEVOUR your story and it tends to make my day so I will be impatiently waiting for the continuation. You intend to add new chapters often? *begging look*

Raziel of Kendermore,

signing off ;]
Raziel Of Kendermore chapter 1 . 11/15/2006
woot!You finally posted it! I was dying and rechecking your livejournal every day waiting for 15th since the day you actually precised the date. Am I the first one to post review here? :D Wow. Wow. Wow. I've just read changes, now I'll proceed to the new chapter :3 *begins to eat her pancake eagerly*
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