Reviews for Welcome to the Family
Historicalbookworm chapter 3 . 11/24/2012
Chapter 3?
thisaccounthasbeenlefttowither chapter 3 . 12/30/2009
thisaccounthasbeenlefttowither chapter 2 . 12/30/2009
DAYMN! Wow. okay first off whenever sona and tatsum hav a conversation i burst out laughing. Second, tatsumi is fast. I mean its only been lik 2 days since he's known sona and he's already having his way with him? man man man. This storyu is a hilarious love comedy i would love to see continued. 2 bad on the summary it said it was canceled. aw
thisaccounthasbeenlefttowither chapter 1 . 12/30/2009
wait a sec! if tatsumi's son is eighteen dosent that mean he had him when he was like *! o_O Good story tho.
i'm not dead yet chapter 2 . 3/22/2009
loved it
Awsome17 chapter 2 . 12/2/2007
Poor Sonamori! I am almost crying for you. I don't cry easily. I'll kill that pervy freak if u want me 2 Sonamori.(*Huggles the cute 13 yearold.*)

Lolz he's my age in this chapter. But neyway I'll be his big sissy!_lolz. UPDATE SOON!
Untitled Absence chapter 2 . 11/30/2007
...This is something else. It seemed that things were going fine for a bit and then, with that ending, everything came full circle. I do look forward to the next chapters and the greater detail of both tale and event therein.
YaoiGoesMyHeart chapter 2 . 8/22/2007
well... if chapter two is almost done why haven't you post it? fuck you if you quit writing on this story. now... GIVE ME CHAPTER TWO OR ELSE...!
iwanttodeletethiswtf chapter 2 . 8/1/2007
wow that was weird and messed up I sorta hate Tatsumi but i like him too he's okay. But hecka messed cuz that'll have a WAY BIG impact on Sona and his mom's relationship if/when she finds out. I hope you update. i like this.




ps. ur on my fave author! update and finish for more reviews and to be on my fave stories. it's not like its great to be there but watevr. lol.
Succeeding At Failure chapter 2 . 11/16/2006
interesting... kind of sick in a way but still really good.
dongtianfengyu chapter 2 . 11/15/2006
just one thing, infamous author. Tatsumi is 26 yrs old this year. And he's got a son who's 18 years old. Considering it takes 9 mths to give birth to a child and rounding up to 1 year. He had sex when he was 7 years old with a woman to get his son?
Niki Tori chapter 1 . 11/15/2006 is intresting...what can i say?

Very well written and it has a good hook to it. _ Everything flowed perfectly...*Claps* that was a very good intro!

UnTil NeXt Time

LUv ya
