Reviews for Children of the Weave
Kittensinthedustbin chapter 1 . 8/24/2007
Hi Night! It's Jessi, lol, I gots mah own Fictionpress now. XD

AH! I forgot about this! Didn't you ask me to help you? I'm so, so sorry! I forgot .
CM chapter 4 . 8/8/2007
hehe, i like it! more more more!
Atamagaokashii Ookami chapter 4 . 6/6/2007
ah what did he steal!

sigh and why does selendrian have cat ears?... just wonderin

this is rather interesting, i can hardly wait for the next chapter XD
Enaid chapter 4 . 4/25/2007
WHAT DID HE STEAL! you cant leave a cliff hanger like that... well i guess you can but that means you need to update! i love the story. i cant believe that know one knows that Night is a girl. so many people talk about girl knights as they recieve their training and what they are put through then, but i like it this way better. anywhoo update soon please
Enaid chapter 3 . 4/25/2007
this is getting better and better. i wasnt so sure in the first chapter but during the second i started getting even more into in, then this chapter happened how are they gonna get out of this one!
Enaid chapter 2 . 4/25/2007
i like that they all have secret but im so impatient i cant wait to find them out. i am pretty sure that more than just finding a dragon's earring is going to end up happening during this particular quest of Night's.
Aerona chapter 2 . 3/3/2007
It took me so long to figure out that you had placed this on here. Still as good as ever. You seem to be giving more depth to my character, thankfully. I thought I was going to end up being pushed aside again. T.T Just kidding. I know you can update this soon though. I hope. I'm proud to have done this RP with you. Your interpretations of our RP came out really well so far. I'll admit, I was kind of worried. I like how you've not mentioned the 'secret' for what it is yet. We need a little suspense. Anyways, *big thumbs up*!
Sari la elfa chapter 1 . 12/14/2006
this is so good! really!, well, i may be a little predujuced (how do you spell that anyways?) since i love all your stories, you keep it up, chief, before i bolt to the moon...