Reviews for Mock Trial
SnarkHunter42 chapter 1 . 12/10/2006
Hey, Mock Trial! I love Mock Trial!

Sorry for the criticism right off the bat, but what would being liberal have anything to do with what clubs you join? Okay, scratch that; I can see how being liberal might mean that you don't join something like Young Republicans (Or vice versa if you're conservative in the case of Young Democrats). But really, what would political affiliation have anything to do with how you decide what clubs to join otherwise? Curious.

Yeah, Mock Trial's a lot of work, isn't it? The month before our competitions, our lawyer advisor had our team working every night for 3 hours. And insisted that we do all sorts of work for the next night. It was incredibly stressful and left me with next to no time for anything else. You know, stuff like sleeping, eating, schoolwork... It was worth it, though. We made it to Regionals. We got stopped there, unfortunately. This year, though, we're taking Mock Trial as a class, and have been working on learning basics of law for 3 months... and we still have yet to actually start working on the problem.

What state do you live in, out of curiosity? I'm wondering if I'd ever have to go up against you in competition.

Nice essay, overall. I might've written it differently, but I liked yours. Always a pleasure to know I'm not the only one who enjoys stuff like this. Good luck this year.