Reviews for Year of the Rabbit
Mellowdy chapter 24 . 11/29/2007
" “This is my friend, Cu—I mean Stu,” I said, and then gave Cupid an encouraging look. "

Ah ha ha. xD

For a minute, I thought she was going to say. "-I mean Stupid."

...I have ill humor.

Aw. At the end made me miss my own bunny.

She just died about a month ago. ):

(hugs Rhode in his bunny-form)

Whitney Lea chapter 24 . 11/26/2007
Honestly, in the past week while I've been at work, I've read every one of your stories and I must say that you are a truly talented writer. This story is definitely my favorite, although Interrogame was until I read this. I was laughing so hard that my boss came in and asked if I was ok. Keep writing and please don't ever stop!
Hotkitty chapter 20 . 11/26/2007
im eating a satsuma, sucking out the juice.

im pretending it's your blood.


this chapter had me in stitches. what with the whole fake near rape thing. & then the way that it was getting all serious and tense. then the drunk comes along. oh you imaginativ little ox you.
Lady Katreina chapter 24 . 11/24/2007

Thank you for updating. (Darn it, it IS sad.)
relapse into change chapter 24 . 11/24/2007
i really like this story

poor rhode...but atleast

he finally admitted his feelings for sophie :]
XxFallenxX chapter 24 . 11/23/2007
Oh dear. Libido is mentioned, but not with Sophie and Rhode! I think I might be a tad obsessed. It's getting really weird, actually. This chapter... I don't know. It might be the turkey talking, but this chapter just felt... off. I don't know. Lack of libido, maybe?
Amindaya chapter 24 . 11/23/2007
Aw, Cupid should just not have said anything so that Sophie wouldn't be suspicious and hurt poor Rhode's feelings.

I'm glad they're sort-of admitting their interest in each other.
hey god- she's BURNING chapter 24 . 11/23/2007
"What a doorknob."

wow. i laughed at that for like.. two whole minutes, no lie. that's going to be my newest insult to anybody that annoys me.

and cupid is my hero. he needs to stab reval with one of his one so super lovey dovey making arrows and make reval fall in love with a ... DOORKNOB! okay. i'm going to stop with that now; but like i said in my previous review, i still think reval's pretty awesome in a sick way. otherwise, the story wouldn't have a love triangle with a psycho.

and cupid needs to stab rhode and sophie so they fall madly in lust with one another. seriously. they'll become a lot happier and not so mopy. mopey?

stuey! stewie! family guy! haha

and because i can't say it enough times (rather.. type it)

lucas is a bitch.

he needs to burn

i knew i was forgetting something. RHODE LOVES SOPHIE.

sophie, you beter declare your UNDYING love for rhode or else i will be sad. because oblivious people make me sad.

utterly depressed.


next chapter is happy happy goodness? interesting mood change

25ariel25 chapter 24 . 11/22/2007
ah Rhode *sniffs*
bridgette261 chapter 24 . 11/21/2007
Waffle Rocket chapter 24 . 11/21/2007
Poor Cupid. I feel terrible for the poor guy. Lost his Cupidity already. She was fun. That's sad. And Lucas will go to hell. I'm sure of it. Because he's on Reval's side. And Reval is EVIL. Like, Revil. Yeah. Anyways, I'd be fine with Lucas goin' evil and all but he just kinda draws the attention away from my Reval and that's not cool. And about Rhode saying Mini's pretty. Yeah. How dare he? Totally agree with Cupid there. Haha. Cupid's cool. I like him too now. -Hugs Cupid- Yeah. My hunny. And Rhode's my bunny. And Reval? He can be my... He's kinda fun-ny? So sweet of Rhode to go and make her a Valentine's Day egg for her and all, then she broke his heart by asking where Cupid was. So mean. Reval, my evil fun-ny guy, has disappeared, it seems. And I miss him. Lol. Love ya bunches, and this too, dear, so update again soon, 'kay?
Undecided.And.Confused chapter 24 . 11/21/2007
Poor Lucas he's turning evil! Why isn't Sophie doing anything about that! He was her friend! Even if he is just a copy of Rhode! She's just going to let him go! And why didn't she say anything to Rhode! Sophie likes to hurt people maybe thats why Reval likes her too! What a sad Valentines!
HollyJolly4u chapter 24 . 11/21/2007
You people exhaust me, with all your time. You think you have all the time in the world, but you don’t.”

best line ever!
theGreyPebble chapter 24 . 11/21/2007



dont love me back?

OoohLookACat chapter 24 . 11/21/2007

i totally know what you mean

"(what the hell was a pole even doing there?)"

that happened to me at work

i turned around

and BAM there's a pole!

i swear it came out of nowhere!

oh and uh...

"Reval killed Cupidity just to piss Reval off."

i don't think that's right... lol


What a doorknob.


can i use that?

that's totally awesome.

i could so call people that!

and gasp


he loves her


why'd u say that?

poor rhodey :(

can't wait for more


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