Reviews for Year of the Rabbit |
damnfancyscotch chapter 2 . 1/8/2007 haha, i'm all excited and junk! i certainly can't wait to read chapter three! your story is so amazing! over fifty reviews already! congrats! |
Adurna chapter 2 . 1/8/2007 Intrigue. Seriously, this has to be one of the best stories I've ever read, so far. I've seen some stories start out great and just go downhill from there, but I hope this won't be one of them. Goo is like the best name ever. Haha |
Realistic Dreams chapter 2 . 1/8/2007 Haha you never cease to entertain me. When I first saw the title, I thought maybe you'd kill off the poor rabbits that might appear in the story. It's been pretty amusing so far... a light and fun read. It even almost reminds me of Resistance, but not quite ;] Maybe it's just the bright colors of Easter in contrast with the black (and some red) that come to mind when I think of Resistance. That Lee guy is c-r-e-e-p-y. So was the easter bunny dude in the first chapter. He put the egg in the bathroom, no? I think I'd like to receive an egg this Easter. I've never gotten anything from the bunny before. Nor from the Tooth Fairy. Actually, only Santa Claus has been good to me. Oh my poor childhood. Hmm... So going back to this "Lee". I think he might be the darkest character so far... with his pervertedness? I have a friend named Lee. That's not her real name, but that's my nickname for her and she hates it. So I'm thinking of telling her that she's actually named after this one guy in a story that likes to attack poor innocent girls by pinning them down and whispering crude, twisted remarks. Maybe then she'll finally appreciate her nickname. Hah there's a possibility. By the way... is there anything going on between Sophie's mom and Lee's dad? Here's a family of girls put together with a family of guys. Maybe it's going to end up a battle of the sexes and they'll be biting each other's arms off instead. Well anywho, I'm off (to find the Easter bunny?) If I find him, I'll ask for those perfectly painted blue and green eggs. Or if you can forward my request to the Big Bunny yourself, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks. Hah well... keep up the awesome work and I'm so looking forward to reading more! (Pst... and I just finished the last chapter of Edge 8. You mixed up Katri and Kiwi a couple times when they started fighting the bad guys in the beginning. Very bloody chapter, of course, but great as usual. At least Curver gets to be with Cass again :] ) -anna |
Rae chapter 2 . 1/8/2007 this story is awesome! i'm already hooked. the voice in your head is really good lol. update soon! |
Queenjewel44 chapter 2 . 1/8/2007 loved it! THis is a really woderful story. and its diffrent. I love that. please update soon. |
sploosh chapter 2 . 1/8/2007 whoo, new chapter! I was a little sad that the easter dude wasn't here, though. I like him. And also, I have a question about Sophia's mom... assuming that she was in the room when their neighbors came, why did she just let Lee do that to her? Most moms I know would've screamed and pulled him out of the house by the ear. Mmhm. Anyway, update soon! |
simplicity is complex chapter 2 . 1/8/2007 eep. you make me want to paint my own easter egg! |
Xye chapter 2 . 1/8/2007 oh..we! new story! and this looks like its gonna be a great one (as always) easter! w00t...although this year is the year of the pig xD but i dont think human-like pigs would be very attractive o_o... xP |
eternal-nemesis chapter 2 . 1/7/2007 Woot! Another chapter! But I completely missed the update! Go me! Lol, anywho... Interesting chapter...and an interesting family too. All girls, and then their neighbours just happen to be all boys? How odd... It was definitely the rabbit-kid...what's-his-name...yeah...I know it was him. And this girl is so crazy. Throwing shampoo around, honestly... ;) Well the party should be interesting as well, and I can't wait to meet this character who'll be oh-so-much fun! ~e_n~ |
Harlequin Girl chapter 2 . 1/7/2007 Oh, now bunny-boy is slightly stalker-ish, a tad psychotic and easter obsessed; I like him. I did notice an error (i think, in the first chapter you said Marc was in grade 12, but in chapter 2 you've said that he has finished school and now in his first year of uni. I'm confused. |
Undecided.And.Confused chapter 2 . 1/7/2007 I was smiling the whole time. I love the humor! This is going to be one cool story. Her family seems cool, especially her mom, and Goo? seems younger than nine. |
monkey08 chapter 2 . 1/7/2007 i like it update soon |
Swan Queen chapter 2 . 1/7/2007 A boy with platinum blonde hair, bunny ears, pink eyes, and eggs. Seriously this story is so original. The plot is all weird and...stuff. I bet he was the one who left the egg on Sophie's bathroom counter, right? Right? E, I dunno. But your story makes me wanna have chocolate right now. Free chocolate. Why doesn't Sophie like Halloween then? That's free chocolate, free candy, free apples, and free...other...stuff...Anyway, I like it. Even though I don't get the plot. Cuz I'm slow. I know it has something to do with eggs. And Easter. And a boy who likes eggs/Easter. And a girl who likes eggs/Easter. And then they fall in love...he's actually the Easter Bunny and he needs a wife so he wants to make her the Queen of Easter Bunnies! Yay. I'm going shut up now. Byebye. |
self-destructing in 30 seconds chapter 1 . 1/7/2007 I look forward to reading more! This is a great story you've got going on, and I've been hooked from the very first chapter. Hope to read and review soon! |
K.B. Hanna chapter 2 . 1/7/2007 There were a couple of errors, nothing big really. Once or twice, you spelled Marc's name wrong. Mark instead of Marc. When Sophie mentioned that she should shave, for a moment, I thought she was a man. It never occured to me that she was going to shave her legs and armpits. Well, hopefully she shaves her armpits. There's this girl on our swim team that doesn't shave her armpits for weeks. It's horrible to look at. The dialogue in this chapter seemed rather bland, and slightly unnatural at times. I'm starting to find that I'm more partial to Lee than anybody. It may be because he reminds me of my friend Andy and Roger from Sister Sister. Andy would be one to latch on to an innocent victim and profess his undying love for someone. Although, I doubt Lee thinks Troy was actually in Great Britain and the Celts were the ones that took it over. To amuse him, we came up with the theory that Cleopatra was actually from Mexico, and she wasn't bitten by a cobra. She was attacked by an anaconda. Marc reminds me of this girl named Kirsten. She was too damn smart for her own good. Even if she was wrong, she'd argue until she was right, but I brought her down a peg or two. We had daily arguments in math. The teacher thought we were crazy. Great times. Creepy eggs. How fun. Sophie has the Easter Bunny as a stalker. I'm jealous. The Easter Bunny is way cooler than Santa Claus, but I'd rather have a Lucky Charms-addicted leprechaun with a bad attitude stalking me. Ehh, I really don't have too much to critique you on, but if I think of anything, I'll be sure to tell you. I'm a pretty negative person, so some things should come to mind. Oh, when are you and Hotkitty going to post your collab? That's going to be one hell of a piece. |