Reviews for Gravity
Slightly Ajar chapter 1 . 11/22/2008
Aw, I like this. It's tragicly romantic, but not fluffy or overdone. I like the inserted thought: "you're years too late, dear." I could feel the regret and sadness just by that, even if none of the other emotions were so clearly and beautifully shown. Well done!
Kamikoko chapter 1 . 6/20/2007
Ah - this is brilliantly written.

Great work describing the setting, background and characters in such a short piece.

Even without the lengthy process of "getting to know" your characters, the emotions are clearly felt by the reader (me).

Great work.
ashes.rising chapter 1 . 1/1/2007
Wow, that just ripped my heart out. Excellent job on the description of the setting, most people either go too far or don't have enough, but you have a good balance going in this. Kudos.
Cracked Pepper chapter 1 . 1/1/2007

That's really sad.

You should make a novel out of this.

It would be really good.

Please do.
