Reviews for Music For My Soul
PleaseDeletePleaseDelete chapter 8 . 6/5/2007
woohoo! love the ending. happy for everyone. even caleb gets freed kind of. I can't wait for the other story. wonder when i'll see you again... probably not for a long while..
k chapter 8 . 6/2/2007
OMG! OMG! Is this the end? I was so convinced that she would alter the song or something but, I like your way better. Yea for happy endings...or well it is happy for everyone but Yalu. Aww poor wolf. Good job! If this is the end i'm fine with it, it was a good ending. _ Yea for you! Is there more?
Cheryl Moorer chapter 1 . 5/29/2007
it was good. i like it a lot. it showed great progress for future story telling. great job, Erin.
Perezoso Chico chapter 7 . 5/9/2007
It's getting quite interesting isn't it? I can't wait to see how this wraps up, and I'm fairly certain that it will wrap up pretty soon. I was hoping that Hayden would find Eliza, but I'm supposing that it will happen eventually, or the story would never end. Good descriptions. It didn't seem quite as rushed as the last couple of chapters, which makes me think that you're putting some more effort into it again.
k chapter 1 . 5/8/2007
Good so far! Some sentances have errors, or do not sound quite right thought:

Para.4,line 3-I take pride...none of the BOYS in town see me as GIRLFRIEND material.

Para. 6, line 1- ...though his mind appeared TO BE somewhere...

Para. 9, line that he pulled from a DRAW.(typo :)drawer)

IV para.4-If this is french it would be La Mort (no 'e')

VII para.1 line 2- ...tell her the truth the minuet(typo :D minute)...

VI para. 15,line 1- ...storms are a part of mature...(nature, again simply a typo D)

VI para. 15,line 2-...just a breif...(brief, ahh typos)

You might want to try taking out all of the contractions in the descriptions-to me it sounds better.

Normally I'm not so specific, but if it is for school then I do what I can. _
Goodwin's Boy Toy chapter 6 . 4/27/2007
Now I was surprised to see that Hayden didn't have any sort of part in this installment of the story. Did you run out of time, did you feel rushed, what? I liked what you had here, though you probably could have done better with a little more detail. To me, the decision to escape seemed rather random, but perhaps you can justify in the next part.
PleaseDeletePleaseDelete chapter 4 . 3/29/2007
this chapter is really good too. i've already reviewed five, but after i did, i found this: ~~“I think I might be dying of cabin fever. I need some fresh hair.”~~ that should be air, not hair, you think. i would put this in a review for five, but it was too late, sorry. but i like it anyway. and this: ~~"You’ve been safe up to this point, but once you sing these words, it will be within their power to do more than hurt you, or even just hurt me.”~~ how can it be within their power to hurt him? they already do that? do you mean hurt Eliza, or kill her even?
PleaseDeletePleaseDelete chapter 5 . 3/29/2007
this is a good chapter. i like it. i was going to read this at home, but it wouldn't show up. it was odd. i like the song, but will Eliza sing it? who cares if Caleb dies? he deserves it. sort of. What do you mean by 'Sureality by Taylor'? What is Sureality? the song?
Catherine SK chapter 3 . 3/22/2007
Loven it it is so good Still needs more action with the demons and I seem to miss the brother and their mom. She Isn't singing much now and thats the reson she was abducted. Why?
Tayisia chapter 4 . 3/19/2007
you'll have to hurry on the next part. i couldnt tear myself away from the story. where do u get the ideas? i can never think to write something. Great Job and keep it up!
Saria Loves Michealangelo chapter 4 . 3/14/2007
Alrighty then. It wasn't bad, but you really need to add some more emotion. Without it, this story just won'd jump out at your readers any more. Though I admit that the first half was pretty awesome, I do feel that the second half became a little weak, as though it were rushed somehow. Perhaps you felt you'd run out of time?

This is a piece that needs time. Make sure that you get all of those feelings across and make sure that if you want something to come out, that you lead up to it so that it's not completely unexpected. I, for instance, think that there should have been a little more of a lead up to the fact that Caleb's been forced to commit murder.
Gwyn Baranof chapter 4 . 3/11/2007
Umm...yeah. So what is Eliza feeling? I frankly have no clue. She might be desperate or determined, but I don't know. As for her thoughts, those are a little off, too.
Rin S K chapter 3 . 3/7/2007
Loven it so much I would like to see some more with the demons there presance is lax in parts of the story. It kinda makes you forget about there presance. Over all it was great though.
Hartia's Ice Mocha chapter 4 . 3/7/2007
Yay! How is it that you make everything so intense? Though I thought that the first half of this chapter was better, even though the second half did have its moments.
Perezoso Chico chapter 4 . 3/6/2007
Well well well. Yet antoher update. You update regularly, which is quite desireable. I admit that I thought parts of section 22 didn't seem to have the same effort put into them as sections 20 and 21, though adding a few fine details would probably fix that little problem right up.
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