Reviews for Best Friends means you Pull the Trigger
magalina chapter 10 . 3/28/2007
FP is screwing around again... I couldnt read this till now. -.-

Why dont they say those things out loud? XO Michael makes me angry... but I still want him to get Gerald. And Gerald just haves to make up his mind.

Anyway... awesome chapter! Frustrating... but great! Update soon!
CaFFy chapter 10 . 3/28/2007
Still really dislike Michael.
My Chemical Music Box chapter 10 . 3/27/2007
OMG you updated!

Anyway I am so happy to see that Gerald is more confident and stand up to Michael 'cause him not being able to live without Michael was getting on my nerves (I think nobody should have to rely on somebody like that 'cause it makes them look weak).

And Michael's eyes are getting on my nerves because Gerald is still getting trapped in them. Gerald shouldn't be trapped by anything! He should be a free spirit man! ::makes peace sign::

Maybe we could pluck Michael's eyes out...

Great chappie and please update really soon!

bye bye
haceloxmi chapter 9 . 3/19/2007
Aw este capi casi casi me hace q sienta pena x michael... pero no tantA jeje.

La mama de Gerald medio me cae bien, mejor q al pricipio seguro

No puedo esperar a q pongas lo q sigue!

besos gigantes! te extraño!

SerialXLain chapter 8 . 3/18/2007
May's a ho...but so is Michael. Rawr.

Holy wow. Michael surprised me by kissing Jay. O_O It was sweet of Ray to protect Gerald like that, by blocking his view and pulling him out of there... But then Michael was cool to stick up for Gerald when he thought that Ray pushed him. Rawr. One second I hate Michael, and the next I like him. You're making this hard for me. :P

The scene in the kitchen made me want to cry... I feel bad for Michael to have his faults thrown into his face by someone who used to be so close to him... And the "I love you" was just... :sighs:

:sighs again: Michael is frustrating. Poor Gerald.

magalina chapter 9 . 3/17/2007
So! I started reading this one a while ago and just finished today. I like the style is written in! At fist I didn’t like Michael much... I was actually cheering for Sean, even though he isn’t interested in that way, or so he says... but still. And I like Ray, but only like a friend. Now I’m liking Michael a bit more :)

I’m glad Gerald had friends now and he’s a bit happier. Not the same for his mom though.

So, hope you update soon (I know the story is on hiatus, but still _). I will read Profe, I actually read a few chapters a long time ago and never finished it... sometimes I do that. But I promise I will read it soon!

Great work and keep it up!
SerialXLain chapter 7 . 3/17/2007
This chapter makes me want to like Gerald's mom more than I used to... I feel bad for her and it was nice seeing her before she started being such a whorish person to Gerald.

Limited Edition chapter 2 . 3/11/2007
The balance between dialogue and text isn't right in this chapter. Too much dialogue. Dialogue should always be less than text.

I love how his mother acts like a teenager, that she asks him to stay at home. That simple question says so much: she's childish, selfish, lonely. The part with them arguing, there was a lot that I imagined, but all of that should've been written for me to read. Don't miss out on putting the images on paper.

Shoe shaped rock! WAHAHAHAHHA hillarious. But I hate Michael. I guess it's meant so. He's such a bitch.

I have to bitch about the POV. Third person POV sticks with one person. I think that's the reason for the whole thing being so far away from the characters; it's not sticking with the main character. Third person POV is just like first person, except that it's...written in third person XD And well, it's not as skin-close. Writing it like this makes it hard to follow what's happening. Who did what?

I love the plot!
Limited Edition chapter 1 . 3/11/2007
Right into the action eh! Not even background about the main chara.

This sentence confuses me "Most houses where beach front and so though public it was hidden from view."

Commas and dots are missing here and there, especially at the end of the quotations.

The charas sound really cute hahaha and you having a child their age really helps you understanding their mentality; very realistically portraited. I also like that you really get into his head, his thoughts about his mother. It's not clearly mentioned what problems his mother has, but it's hinted at, which is so much more natural than just blurting out facts. I get the feeling that I'm very far from the characters though. The story is told in retrospect which is hard to write, but I think it would help if it went more into detail with some scenes and just didn't skim over all the happenings. I hope it's only like this in this first chapter.

I'm thinking this story either has a super happy ending, or a real angsty one. Angsty one is my vote XD Why not start with the ending?

NO THAT WAS SO MEAN! I hate you. That was really mean.
CaFFy chapter 9 . 3/10/2007
Aw. A picture. lol.
tricksy chapter 9 . 3/10/2007
I want to be angry at Michael and I want to hate him, but I still completely and utterly love him and his adorable obliviousness. ): You make me so confused! I love how you write him in such a complicated manner. He's neither this nor that, which is how people are in real life. I love it, you're amazing.

I like Ray. And I think that Gerald and he should get it on.

RavenclawMoose chapter 9 . 3/10/2007
Aww, that is so sad and sweet and everything in between. I feel so bad for poor Gerald; Micheal needs to stop being such an ass and just make up with Gerald. :(

virginangelic chapter 9 . 3/10/2007
Oh wow. Now i'm starting to regret not reading this early! I absolutely adore Gerald's character. The entire thing's a joy to read. Oh and thank you for being a regular reviewer. You don't know how much it means to me. :)

Do continue with this! I can't wait for more.
A Slip of Words chapter 9 . 3/10/2007
aww, for some reason i still really want michael and gerald to be together even though michaels a complete jerk to him. the gift thing though was really sweet. can't wait to read more, good job.
My Chemical Music Box chapter 9 . 3/9/2007
Christ you're a good writer. And this story is so emotional and I feel like I live kind of... inside Gerald if that makes any sense. Because You make it feel like it would really be what he was thinking. It's really hard to explain.

This chapter had me in tears by the end of it.


Can't wait till the next chapter.
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