Reviews for Best Friends means you Pull the Trigger
tricksy chapter 4 . 2/18/2007
I want to hit Michael with a blunt object. He can be SO STUPID. Blah!

I like Sean more and more though. I hope he doesn't turn out like his brother. That would be bad for everyone. x)

Nah... deep down inside, I want Michael to get wise. Sigh.
tricksy chapter 3 . 2/18/2007
I like Sean... wise younger brother. Like Yoda, only not as old. And a brother. And nothing like Yoda..?

Hah, anyway. Hm... Ray's a character. Not sure whether to like him or be wary, but I'm just going to go with liking him for now. Gerald deserves somebody nice.

I can't believe Michael forgot. x(
tricksy chapter 2 . 2/18/2007
Okay, I lied. Maybe Michael isn't a stupidhead after all. Granted, he's a little stupid about some things. But he's totally nice and adorable as well.

Aw, heh... it kind of seems like Gerald has a little raincloud above his head. ): At least his mom tried with the belated birthday party thing. That was nice of her. Despite a lack of parenting skills, she loves her son. That's good.
tricksy chapter 1 . 2/18/2007
That's horrible! I feel so bad for Gerald. ): I want to kick Frank in his imaginary face. And Michael, for that matter, for being a stupidhead. Yes. Stupidhead.
SerialXLain chapter 6 . 2/12/2007
I've had that same conversation that Sandra was saying...about how guys think it's okay for girls to kiss but that it's completely disgusting if guys always ends with me yelling "YOU'RE JUST A USELESS HYPOCRITE!"

So what's this about Gee getting his name? O_O

I love how you connect the never getting up thing, the day on the beach, and the happiness they had together. Sad.

This story is depressing. If I kill myself, it's your fault. :P BUT I LOVE IT! Heh. _

This Fic Absolutely Rules chapter 6 . 2/10/2007
Okay, I'll start by saying that I adore this fic. I mean, it deals with the emotions of the characters in such a... what's the word... real way. You are a very talented writer.

Is it just me, or does Gerald remind you of Gerard Way (who is the lead singer of My Chemical Romance for those of you who don't know)?

Anyway, please keep updating because this is one of the best fics I have read.
Guest chapter 6 . 2/5/2007
I swear, this story gets better with every chapter, and chapter one started out amazingly. I can't wait for the next chapter; I keep wanting to hit Michael over the head and make him go make up with Gerald.

princess max chapter 6 . 2/5/2007
it's intereting getting more insight into Michael. I always thought he was rather careless about Gerlad, but maybe he jsut doesn't fully understand what Gerald's thinking & feeling
CaFFy chapter 6 . 2/4/2007
You're a popy head. Didn't message me to review. xDD I wuvvle you. Update soon. STAY WITH RAY. Whoot that rhymes.
Lucy chapter 5 . 2/2/2007
Ya te dije lo mucho q me gusta esta historia? espero q no la dejes colgada como las otras que tardas AÑOS en subir capis!

Sean me encanta ya te lo dije jeje y Michael.. a el podria pisarlo el camion de la basura q no me molestaria P

Miles de besos!

love you
princess max chapter 5 . 2/1/2007
Oh, poor Sean and poor Gerald. MICHAEL WAKE UP TO YOURSELF. Urgh. Mike needs a kick to the head.
SerialXLain chapter 5 . 1/29/2007
Mike bugs me. One second he's sweet and caring and the next he's a total jerk...

And I feel so bad for both Sean and Gerald... They have a lot in common, don't they? Gay, have bully problems, and like guitar. Maybe that's not a lot but oh well. XD

Nice update. :( I hope something bad happens to Frank. Ahahaha. HERPES, I SAY!

Meer der Sterne chapter 5 . 1/28/2007
Really cute story. I'm really feeling for Gerald. Sometimes life is just far too rough on a person. Michael just needs to learn some more about it and stop being an arse.
RavenclawMoose chapter 5 . 1/27/2007
This story is amazing! I love everything about it, the characterizations, the plot, everything! I can't wait to read more :D

lalalalelelel chapter 5 . 1/27/2007
I really really really really really really like this.
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