Reviews for Best Friends means you Pull the Trigger
SerialXLain chapter 17 . 11/25/2007
This paragraph made me sad... D: "Gerald felt bad and out of touch. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Died in his throat, he knew better than to open that can of worms."


I like Ray. I wish there'd be more of him. o.o


magalina chapter 17 . 11/24/2007
Sorry it took my this long to read! Im affraid of whats going to happen with Michael D: And Sean...that cant end well. Keep it up!
Amindaya chapter 17 . 11/23/2007
I really think Ray is good for Gerald.

I still enjoy reading. :)
SerialXLain chapter 16 . 11/10/2007
D: I liked the chapter. Especially the end with him listening to Sean...

I like Sean. D:

The Intelligent Designer chapter 17 . 10/24/2007
YES YES YES! I'm hopeful again...Michael is an idiot...that guy... (whatshisname?) well, Sean's ex is an idiot...I'd never give up sean...I'd hold him in my arms and never let him go...(hehehehe, give me give me!) XD

This is good. No major mistakes...some plot development...Ray is nice. I like, I like.
Love Eternally chapter 17 . 10/24/2007
How does he think Michael takes care of him when half the time he thinks Michael doesn't care or will get bored?
Lucy chapter 17 . 10/24/2007
al fin!

me alegro q las cosas para Gerald esten mejor, lastima q todavia esta con Michael...

que va a pasar con lo del padre de Gerald? vamos a saber algo mas? (eso lo podes poner en el sequel jaja asi si o si tenes q escribir unaP )

No quiero q termine la historia, estoy super encariñada con los personajes!

el resto de lo q me parece el capi ya lo hablamos jaja.

Me encanto!

My Chemical Music Box chapter 17 . 10/24/2007
Good chappie!

I'll always love this story!

Update soon!
bambi4real chapter 17 . 10/23/2007
it's great to have found a kindred spirit! I actually have the "These Days" album on cassette!(tells you how old it is, huh?) I can't believe you actually just want this story to end? Gerald has a good 10 chs of dithering to go. LOL! Just kidding. I think I am reading too much into the title now. i was reading this ch and when I got to the part about Gerald being happy about the breakup it got me thinking that "Best Friend means ou pull the trigger" is really like when someone is mortally wounded and as a last kindness they ask to be sent expeditiously. Could this whole thing be that Sean is the better brother for Gerald and because Gerald is Mike's best friend he has to be the one to put them both out of their misery, ie their dysfunctional relationship, by calling it quits. I have to say I don't like this conclusion. I sincerely hope that is not where this is going otherwise... I mean I don't have anything against Sean per se but after all the shiznit Gerald put Mike through, the boy deserves his happy ending! Okay on to the ch errors. I know you mentioned the tenses so I won't go into that. But a lot of the "too" came out as "to". Also there was one sentence that didn't read right to me, "The moment you began to talk to me, that you wedge yourself into my life is when everything began to change for the better.” I think it could work if it went more like this, "The moment you wedged yourself into my life, everything began to change for the better."
Amindaya chapter 16 . 10/5/2007
Pas de probleme. Hiatus? Pssht. You could avoid posting for a year and then suddenly come back to it and I would still be happy. :)
bambi4real chapter 16 . 10/4/2007
OMG! I thought girls were confusing! Gerald was like one permanent PMS this ch. I think Michael would have more success understanding a girl than Gerald. I am not even sure if he still really wants Mike. It sounds like he has pretty deep feelings for Sean. I mean more than friends feelings. I hope he gets it together and figure out that he needs to have a little faith and living on a prayer aint so bad. I love the Bon Jovi references. I think I have ever CD they ever made. So I was mentally singing Lie to Me whiles reading this ch. I did notice one mistake near the beginning but it wasn't anything major; you missed the word 'on' after "shoulder to cry".
magalina chapter 16 . 10/4/2007
so sad...poor Gerald. But I feel worst for Michael D: This cant end well... :/

haceloxmi chapter 16 . 10/4/2007
aw me encanta q se quede dormido asi!

el y sean tienen q termianr juntos jajaja.

Medio corto el capi igual, espero q no tardes mucho en subir (y escribir) el otro!

Love Eternally chapter 16 . 10/3/2007
aw. It seems like hes a little more than friendly with sean. . . its sad
The Intelligent Designer chapter 16 . 10/3/2007
I love it...thanks for updating...although...I'm still not over my hatred for Michael, or over my love of Sean, I suppose I' gonna just have to deal with it...somehow.
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