Reviews for Best Friends means you Pull the Trigger
Meer der Sterne chapter 11 . 4/19/2007
That was a sweet chapter. I really like Sean- he seems like a nice guy.

Loved the chapter,

SerialXLain chapter 11 . 4/14/2007
"The Bruce Springsteen song fell like a knife into Gerald’s heart, bringing emotions up to his skin, thick like a layer of sweat. They were the salty liquid, and Sean’s voice was the sun’s heat bringing it up to the surface." I really loved that paragraph... It was nice and poetic.

The whole guitar/Sean part was so sad... Poor Gerald...

Sean's too sweet for words.

Michael, Michael, Michael... He's so frustrating...

Nice chapter. This has definitely become one of my favorite stories. _

RavenclawMoose chapter 11 . 4/13/2007
Sorry about the belated review. I've been busy and only just got to read this chapter. I loved it so much, though! I just wish it could have been longer because it's always sad when the chapters end. It's so good, though, and now I don't know whether I want Gerald to be with Micheal or Sean...

Love Eternally chapter 11 . 4/12/2007
Aw, That's so sad. Hopefully the next chapter is a little more cheerful.
haceloxmi chapter 11 . 4/11/2007
Tiziano! ese nombre me gusta

Este capi fue genial! me encanta com Sean y Gerald se van acercando cada vez mas! Eso es para q Michael aprenda jaja

Espero q subas el otro capi rapido! quiero ver como se van desarrollando esta relacion y q es lo q va a pasar con la mamá!

que tiene? Cancer? Leucemia? Hepatitis? ah quiero saber!

Y Ray! me tiene medio desconcertada... se q son solo amigos pero q se yo jaja no se como le caeria la relacion de Sean y Gerald jajaja

M me quedo medio largo el review P

Te extrañe mucho y te recontra quiero!

My Chemical Music Box chapter 11 . 4/11/2007
I remember when Sean said that he wasn't interested in Gerald...

Hahahaha! But it's a good thing! So sweet...

And Michael is finally feeling the emotions he should be maybe?

Update quick because I love this story!
magalina chapter 11 . 4/10/2007
Aw... theyre so cute. Sean is the best! Poor Gerald :( And I felt kind of bad for Michael in this chapter... but not really :P

Update soon!

Glad you liked the fanart. Ill send it to your email, cause its not on deviantart anymore.
Amindaya chapter 11 . 4/10/2007
Yay, I like it. Michael is so darn clueless. *sigh*

Can't wait for more. I was frustrated when I reached the end of the posted chapters.
Drew85 chapter 9 . 4/10/2007
I love this story, I hope Gerald finds a good guy for him, for Michael I hope he doesn't do anything more stupid or hurt Gerald more.
CaFFy chapter 11 . 4/10/2007
I'm waiting for Michael to snap at Sean in front of Gerald so that Gerald can snap back. ]
Meer der Sterne chapter 10 . 4/7/2007
I liked this chapter. Gerald went to Michael's house for comfort and then his friend left without even saying goodbye. Oh well, I've come to never think Mich does anything right.

Amindaya chapter 1 . 4/6/2007
Oh my god! The writing! At first, I thought it was just typos, but then I realized it was because he was a little kid, and you were actually writing words the way they would sound to a little kid, like fallow instead of follow. Brilliant!

I have seen this story around but never read it because I didn't think the summary was very interesting. I decided to read it because I saw Magalina' fanart for it, and I'm glad I did, because so far it seems really good.

Well, I'm off to read more now...
SerialXLain chapter 10 . 3/30/2007
Happy late birthday. :throws you hugs:

Poor Gerald... I feel bad that he has to worry about his mom so much. It's like HE's the adult...not her.

If Gerald would've stayed he would've realized that Michael was going to stay with him... Bleh. It's so sad. I thought things would get better...but bleh.

It makes me wonder if they'll end up being friends again or if it's even possible.

Love the story.

SerialXLain chapter 9 . 3/29/2007
Aw. Gerald is making friends, which is really sweet but sad because...:sighs: Michael's not there... As much as Michael pisses me off, they were best friends...

Sean is adorable.

The end of this chapter made me cry. ;-; Wow... :sighs:

Guest chapter 10 . 3/28/2007
I can't help but not want this story to end, even while I'm sure you'll end it perfectly. This story makes me ache inside for Gerald, and I wish Michael would stop being such an idiot. Heh, but then your stories are too good to succumb to what most people think they want to happen. I hope you update soon!

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