Reviews for break
kit feral chapter 1 . 1/15/2007
(First of all, love your penname.)

I like the cynical humor in this. Good formatting, holds the anger well.

"I like to break things in such a way that they fucking stay broken."

There's a lot of power to this. Short and... swift comes to mind. A deadly little smile would go well with this.

Favs. It's got a strong voice.
kelsi bones chapter 1 . 1/10/2007
Beautiful peice. The second and third lines have very good imagery.

Bari Wilson chapter 1 . 1/8/2007
Short and powerfull, this captures a shitload of emotions and throws them into the reader's face - in a good way. This is a very nice piece. The subject matter is very real, and something that most people will deal with in their life. The use of italics, bold and suchforth is nice. I enjoyed it greatly!