Reviews for L as in TRAIN
afk chapter 8 . 1/16/2007
“Oh yeah, fucking fortunate, me,” I said, thinking bitterly of Luke. Fucking twenty-three.

i laughed at that very hard XD this story is so much fun. But luic get back to your hoemwork! we don't wnat you failing!
WitchGhost chapter 8 . 1/16/2007
A good update/chapter! So far I think one of my favorite characters in the story is Viper.
WitchGhost chapter 7 . 1/16/2007
Another good chapter! Luke does seem the kind of person to be blunt, though he might consider keeping some things to himself
isitasin chapter 7 . 1/16/2007
Okay... I went back and checked my emails just after posting review and saw you'd already posted another chapter so my evil hedgepixies didn't get to eat today :( so they decided to eat me.

Hah, kidding (obvoiusly) UNLESS you count Dena has a hedgepixie... I know you haven't a clue what I'm on about so I'll stop.

S'good, love it love it love it its fanatastic!

isitasin chapter 6 . 1/16/2007
hey! Just so ya know, I use the word fuck that much. Maybe more. But everyone says I overuse it and no-one else uses that much so yeah.

Anyone, loverly... I am in love with Lorren (pity he's gay :( ) even though I think I might have said that about Chris Fresk in one of your other stories too but...

Why can I never finish a proper sentence? It's a wonder I can write...

Anyways, review VERY soon or I'll hack you're head off with a blunt teapot and serve it to the hedgepixies.

afk chapter 7 . 1/16/2007
eek no me military, tehy creep me out, but i gues sthat's just part of my famliy past and sort of left politic education. But i have to agree those unifroms are sexy hehehe... it was really interesting that luke liked it soemwhat spicy, and lorren, as said before, alwys makes me laugh Xd XD XD
Kizuna chapter 7 . 1/16/2007
You know, when I got the alert and saw the title to this chappy I was like 'are they finally getting something? Yey!', but then it turned out only Luke got himself a fuck... With Juan... Ugh... Poor Lorren! Me like Lorren/Luke!_~

Yes. Please, does something happen with them soon?_ I really hope it will! But then the relationship between them probably will change... And I like how it is... Hmm... Nah, now I'm just talking around myself again! I do that quite a lot...

Anyway, now I've read the three new chappys!_ And I hope the school doesn't block the next one when you update! Then I'm gonna get so pissed on that stupid school... Seeing as I'm not going anywhere with a better internet until Friday...

Yeah, anyway; I LOVE THIS STORY!_~ Just had to get it off my chest! *snicker*
Kizuna chapter 6 . 1/16/2007
Lorren is just hilarious! When he was sitting in class and thinking about Luke... I was laughing so hard!_~

Well, I kinda see Lorren as a bottom and Luke as a top. But that may be because Luke is older, and I always seem to think of older people as the top...:-/ Or the one who's bigger... I don't know... Is Lorren higher then Luke? I can't remember right now if you've ever clarified that... But if he IS higher, than maybe he's better as a top... Actually, I HAVE NO CLUE! I'm just talking around myself here..._

I hope Luke stops to think about himself as a pedophile soon..._~ Inform him of the fact that pedophiles are people who gets interested in people under the sexual minimum age... Which in Norway is 16... I don't really know about America, but I guess it's the same... So if Lorren had been like 13, he could really start to worry... Good Lorren isn't, though!_~

And then I'm off to the next chapter..._~
Kizuna chapter 5 . 1/16/2007
Ah, Jesus! Three chapters have come out and the fucking school internet blocked them ALL! But now I am at my grandma's house and now I'm gonna read them ALL because the stupid school won't let me... *muttering evil things about my school*

Anyway... To the actual story... Luke a teacher? Ah, how nice! I agree with Luke; teacher/students are hot!_~ And I laughed so hard when I read Lorren's answer!_~

Oh, a recommendation!_ How nice! Me like catseye348!_~ Yes, I'm gonna worship her!_~ So nice of her!_

So now I'm gonna go straight to the next chappy before the internet disappear... Which it can do, because it's storming here... Stupid Norway..._
yuranda chapter 6 . 1/15/2007
I think Luke should be top, because well.. I like the older men as top lol. But this whole story rocks! Love it!
dreamerdoll chapter 7 . 1/15/2007
Nah, I don't see it that way; it would make me more uncomfortable than anything. I was all nice and sociable up until about ten, or something. Then I became kind of rude and sarcastic and closed off...but yeah, anyway. Japan was awesome, I adored it. Tropical islands rock. We were only there for about a year, though, because we had to come back and take care of my grandfather, who had cancer. It's nice that you warm up to people so quickly, though; I don't do that! I get all tense for months. Like when I started highschool, I had one friend (who talked to me, first, and was even less sociable than i was), until a friend from my previous school moved over. So, a year later (over, actually) i still talk to very few people. That's too bad that your parents are divorced, but at least you get to see them both a lot, and get along with them (I hope) best friend's parents still fight constantly, even though they're divorced, and she's constantly put in between. Anyway, I must ask this: where did your name come from? Or was it just another bout of randomness? Sorry, curious. And i still have yet to mention how I love this chapter. *WINK* It's awesomely amazing. I love Luke and his pedaphilia-like ways (did i even say that right?), thinking about Lorren while screwing Juan. *GIGGLES INSANELY* And VIper is hilarious, too. You just have to laugh at her "I like them young and thin"...for some reason, I constantly read it, "I like 'em young and thin (insert leer)"...haha. Sorry, I'm psycho.

And then the whole talk about Luke's sexuality. It made me laugh so much. :D

Anyway, can't wait to read more (I love your updates: seriously quick like bunnies!). Sorry...that's one of my favorite phrases!

Kaya chapter 7 . 1/15/2007
I pretty much just write as it comes to me too. Like, I'll mostly get the very basic idea of a plot, or like, only one particular scene I can see vividly in my mind and go with it. Though I don't update as fast as you because I'm an easily distracted person. My work ethic is very low, which is why I was reading your update and will most likely go on to read some other story instead of doing the history and spanish homework I am meant to. I hate that we are required two years of foreign language in my school to graduate and the only options are french and spanish. -sigh- But anyway, I like your chapters, they make me happy.
NekoRinChan chapter 7 . 1/15/2007
(( Aw.. like, not even 5 minutes after I reviewed chapter 6, you posted chapter 7. Oh and, I see Lorren as bottom and Luke as top. Forgot to say that. )) Woo~ yummeh-licious chapter. o_O Gawd, there seriously must have been something in that cake.. Anyhoo~ I like guys that can make me laugh too. Or, anyone that can make me laugh actually. Go Lorren! o_O; -Wants to read the next chapter now, as always.- _
catseye348 chapter 7 . 1/15/2007
i like this chapter, when i write, i write like you, but never as well, i get a couple chapters in and have absolutly no idea where its going. lol. i do see Luke being top, and the thing with Jaun was like "ok, whose where?" but i got it.
just give me november chapter 7 . 1/15/2007
oh. very nice. student-teacher. fabulous! :D

hahahah. "your're a cradle-robber and i'm not." very nice. i like vi.

and the penis fly trap is hilarious. the saying, of course. not sex-fiend juan.

"I bet Lorren would—" made me laugh. i bet he would do many things ;]
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