Reviews for L as in TRAIN
afk chapter 5 . 1/14/2007
how hilarious! and aww what a spinm, but now the whole relationship will be very difficult! well although i was wondering how tehy were goign to meet more than a few mins in the trin *grin*
Globular chapter 1 . 1/14/2007
Oh gosh, I know the L train! As in the one in New York right or is there another L train? I have never taken it though, if you mean the one in New York. I must rectify that one day.

Funny chapter by the way. Lorren is pretty cool character. I can attest for the fact that only scene kids can pull off what they wear and look delicious while doing it too.

I never had someone poop on the train next to me but I ride the train with pervs and obnoxious cell phone users and strangers who fall asleep on me.
catseye348 chapter 4 . 1/13/2007
it wasn't bad, and the translations in the parenthesis really helped, thanx, i'm taking german. if you like stories with languages the author Kizuna writes alot of those, right now she's writing one about a german faminy and a russian boy, both very good.

thanx for gracing us with your stories

gayface chapter 4 . 1/13/2007
(: Great chapter. Our chese burgers cost $1.50 and are dry. And we dont have ketchup; we have tomato sauce :] Idk why I told you that x33.
dreamerdoll chapter 4 . 1/13/2007
Haha...yeah, it does probably make sense, but i live in Arizona, where there are no such thing as subways or metros, so the only time i ever ride on them are in europe, which isn't as often as i'd like it to be. *SULKS*

Anyway, terrific job. the end was Kinda weird, really cool. :D

Terrific job!

bR0k3N chapter 4 . 1/13/2007
yes. I hath joined in on this story as well. And I happen to find it quite fah-bowl-us. haha.

and funny... but what I said wasn't... heehee

afk chapter 4 . 1/13/2007
hahah ayeah opretyy wierd chap, but funny never the less. I found funny how they boith though the nummer thingy *grin* and yes i'm still working on that werewolf, almost finsihed! _
NekoRinChan chapter 4 . 1/13/2007
Haha, I am kinda the same way with my Japanese. I can say the stuff but it isn't exactly smooth. But I'm getting there. Um.. woo for Lorren and Luke! o_o; I actually only know a few of their songs. :\ Guess I shouldn't call myself a major fan of them. But from the songs I have heard, teh RHCP rock. Have fun at teh concert! And as always, can't wait for teh next chappy!
Kizuna chapter 4 . 1/13/2007
Haha, I like their bickering!_~ So fun to read! And Luke bought him a ticket; how nice of him! He's gonna dump that lover of his, yeah? So he and Lorren can get close together?_~
ShadowGal chapter 1 . 1/12/2007
My favorite thing about your writing is all the little observations and descriptions your characters come up with. About life in general, their surroundings, other people... Magnificent, and I can never concentrate on the little deatils in real life well enough to write them down, so I'm infinitely jealous of that talent.

Moving on... I absolutely ADORE this story so far, and I'm thrilled that I have two chapters more already posted and waiting for me. *beams and keeps reading*
just give me november chapter 3 . 1/11/2007
let's get married. and, uh, you can write me pretty things. :D
dreamerdoll chapter 3 . 1/11/2007
excellent job so far! i absolutely love it...amazing, my dear, absolutely amazing. :D Sorry, I'm in a bizarre mood. But seriously, I love the "L as in TRAIN" just sounds funny. That was actually what drew me to it, the odd title, and then of course the summary. Awesome job, though. I love the characters thus far, and his problems with spanish, and the protective boyfriend scene, and Viper, and...yeah, you get the point. I think this story rocks. :D Can't wait to read more!

bR0k3N chapter 3 . 1/11/2007
awesome chapter!
bR0k3N chapter 2 . 1/11/2007
awesome chapter!
bR0k3N chapter 1 . 1/11/2007
haha this was funny. I couldn't help but laugh at this last part with the rash.
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