Reviews for The Conquest
xoLOVEmeWITHnoRESTRICTIONSxo chapter 23 . 11/3/2009
I finshed it :) I think you should write a sequel! I would deffinatly read it.
xoLOVEmeWITHnoRESTRICTIONSxo chapter 9 . 11/3/2009
I know what you mean about listening to certain music while writting will effect your writting, while I was writting today, I listened to a playlist of my favorite songs and the chapter was the longest ever, haha.

This is intresting so far, I shall finish this tonight!
TimeToSinkOrSwim chapter 2 . 9/28/2009
I love it!

Lots of detail and an interesting story line, i will defanitly keep reading it!:)

-would you mind reviewing my story?
tiggerluck7 chapter 2 . 2/13/2009
love it
FlameintheFlood chapter 3 . 8/12/2008
poor Jillian. FRUIT BOWLS! yay! I love how he's just totally into her so randomly. will we find out what she looks like?

FlameintheFlood chapter 2 . 8/12/2008
The story line seems a little shallow right now, but it seems sort of like something me and my not so shallow friends would do, so w/e.

It's fun. Nicely done.
FlameintheFlood chapter 1 . 8/12/2008
You have me intriuged.

very well written although I did notice 1 or 2 typos.

Alice Carrie chapter 4 . 7/1/2008
interesting and intriguing story
Wicca Girl chapter 23 . 7/28/2007
Wow. I loved the story It had a lot of surprises. I cant believe Smilly had acted like a slut. That was so not her. Nice story. Awesome so going 2 my favs
1overE chapter 15 . 6/12/2007
Craig of many names! You called him Ken in this chapter, but oh well... It's easier to find things in other people's works then it is to find it in ours... You just saved my day from complete and utter boredom. Thanx!

1overE chapter 14 . 6/12/2007
Ok, just one thing. When they leave for a walk, Craig suddenly becomes Charlie for a sentence. Other than that, still wonderful!
1overE chapter 8 . 6/12/2007
A couple grammar and spelling issues, but otherwise, wonderful!
1overE chapter 5 . 6/12/2007
Funny, this reminds me of a thing me and my friends (who cares bout grammar, school's out!) did. We sat looking at our yearbooks, doing a who's hot, who's not thing. Totally out of character for us, but oh well... I love your plot idea, it isn't something I've seen on fictionpress yet. Congrats, I shall go read more now...

shorty93 chapter 23 . 3/28/2007
Your book wasn't bad but I think you should do a sequel.
SilentRaven81 chapter 23 . 3/27/2007
okay, you totally have to do a sequel, you cannot just leave loyal readers like me hanging on the edge of a knife not knowing what happens between Chris and Craig and Anna! Jordan is a little playing...well, yeah...

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