Reviews for Throw the Dice
Guest chapter 1 . 4/29/2020
I wish you would finish this. It’s so well written
Guest chapter 17 . 6/29/2013
where did you go?
jmn23 chapter 1 . 10/30/2012
its been long since you lasst updated. this story really have lots of potential. i miss dev and rea. i do hope you will continue soon and have the chance to finish this wonderful story.
Marite chapter 17 . 8/29/2012
Your story is super! not going to lie its better than loads of books i've actually bought and paid for. I hope The next chapter comes soon!
lucyreviewer chapter 17 . 12/13/2011
awesome no time to write a well rounded critique so ill just say its amazing
MeMe chapter 17 . 6/5/2011
I was looking through my stories when I found this one. You haven't updated in over a year! I really hope that you haven't abandoned this story. It really is such a good story. I hope you continue it.
DofD chapter 2 . 5/10/2011
Wow. Wow.
DofD chapter 1 . 5/10/2011
I'm very very intrigued.
avidmoonstar chapter 14 . 4/28/2011
Yay, I was totally right! It makes the story very exciting. It's too bad Albion lost his memories. It would have been great for them to truly be reunited. Back to reading!
avidmoonstar chapter 11 . 4/28/2011
Even though I hate spoilers, I feel I must ask. Is Albuin Rea's brother? I could be totally wrong, but that's what I feel the story is leading to. Besides that, I find this story exquisitely fascinating. I don't read fantasy stories very often, but when I do they always turn out to be good ones.
Jaliy chapter 17 . 2/9/2011
I really enjoyed reading this story. I think you've got a wonderful plot going. I also enjoyed the character portrayals. Good job!

I hope you continue writing this story!

jmn23 chapter 17 . 1/29/2011
Miss this story. Hopefully, uou'll update this story. It deserveds to be finished soon.
Erythromania chapter 17 . 1/6/2011
I love the story so far! It's a bit confusing in some parts, but maybe it will clear up a bit as the story progresses?

It's pretty cool how you incorperated actual religous aspects and people in it :)

I can't wait for the next chappie! :P
Alinzar chapter 17 . 1/5/2011
I discovered this story while browsing the options availiable to me. I decided to give it a try. To say the least, I am in awe of your talent and I can't wait for more. I realize that you haven't updated in a while, and I was wondering why. Please, please, please update soon!

Thanks for the amazing story,

MeMe chapter 17 . 12/25/2010
So I am absolutely in love with this story... the only problem is that you haven't updated since MARCH! And it is December...

I really do love this story... it's very different. It makes me think of Diane Duane's wizard books a little bit, but at the same time your story is unique.

I can't wait for an update!
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