Reviews for Two Hearts
MusicGurl8129 chapter 35 . 2/3/2014
Travis... why? Tell Kelsey & Kat to include me on assassinating Travis. Muhaha!
I have a bad feeling Travis may have, possibly cheated on Kat? Who knows..? Hmm.
MusicGurl8129 chapter 1 . 2/3/2014
Travis is so sweet, seriously I want a Guy to get my a Girly Picture Frame. That's real cute. I like him already! :)
ToBreakMyFall chapter 40 . 9/1/2012
aaaaaaaaarg updaaaaaate!
itsVKEE chapter 27 . 9/8/2009
okay wait. so Jordan had the baby; but did it like fall of the face of the earth? Man Emily is really rich isn't she. MAJORLY ENVIOUS!
itsVKEE chapter 1 . 9/5/2009
OMG; i'm excited.

another story to get pulled into YAY :D

i'm actually looking forward to rading the next... 39 chapters XD

but that will have to wait *sigh* i have to get up early tomorrow; stupid party planning. It's 11:47pm and well i woke up at 11:45 this morning after getting about no sleep at all. so i should probably get some sleep.

sorry for rambling but i really just want to keep reading and reading and reading; til like you said "Kat calls Travis..."

so suspenseful. okay; i'll shut up.

i love this story. bye (:
Briana Hernandez chapter 40 . 7/15/2009
did u die or sumthing? i want a update
Fayre Meira chapter 40 . 7/27/2008
travis really suck..
Carmel March chapter 40 . 6/21/2008
Even though it's been a bit since I've read this story (which I'm so terribly sorry for), I immediately got right into the story line, the characters, everything. I love this :) Keep up the great work!

Cereza M. xx chapter 40 . 6/1/2008



Thankyou ]

Veronica Kimble chapter 40 . 5/20/2008
wow. so she called. the conversation was abit...angrysom? lol. it was good. update soon!

meiilove chapter 40 . 5/17/2008
outsidersgirl chapter 40 . 5/17/2008
even though he don't deserve it i hope she can forgive him
heyxheyxbritters chapter 40 . 5/16/2008

i love how this story is going. I love the Travis/Kat chemistry! You're a fantastic writer! Keep up the good work!

This story is definitely one of my favorites babe!
meiilove chapter 39 . 5/13/2008

she is a model! ]

and how could he?

after all that time...

imma kick him to Mars...
outsidersgirl chapter 39 . 5/12/2008
this is good
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