Reviews for Hit or Miss
Guest chapter 27 . 6/30/2018
LOVED THIS STORY! It was totally bomb! I laughed, cried, and laughed more :) It was really beautiful! Thank you for sharing it with us!
rainreverie chapter 27 . 1/12/2014
Holy hell this story is absolutely amazing! I just kept reading and reading and reading... I don't think I got any sleep last night! The way the story progresses, it was just right! Thanks for a great read!
LaurentheHunter chapter 27 . 7/10/2013
I love this story so much! You're such a good writer and I really loved the characters, I think jake was my favourite:)
foreternity chapter 27 . 3/14/2013
amazing story, so well written, and hast to be one of my favourites. (: excellent job!
HeadOverHeelsInHate chapter 27 . 2/25/2013
Awww! Amazing story! Really cute! Love it! MR Smith is awesome!
Dinobunny chapter 16 . 7/21/2012
Oooo! My bf and I went ice-skating on our first date too! Haha. And I ended up fallin on my butt when he was teaching me too:DDD
fellintothemoon chapter 1 . 7/12/2012
Hi! This is Melissa from A Drop of Romeo. We're in the process of rewriting all our older reviews and I was in charge of Hit or Miss. Here is your rewrite:

Melissa Thinks: Hit or Miss is really just a great big bundle of cliché. Which in our case, is a good thing. Svette (love that name) is seriously in trouble when her selfish boyfriend breaks her expensive camera that she needs to graduate from her competitive arts school. Along comes Logan who needs a new singer for his band and when he happens to hear Svette sing in the shower, he's willing to cough up the cash for her new camera if she joins the band temporarily. Of course, they bother hate each other, so you can imagine how hard on the two of them it turns out to be.

It started out with the classic “woke up next to the guy I hate and I don’t know how I got here” way, and so I thought “Oh gosh, not another!”, but actually I was pleasantly surprised. The incorporation of their band and the music they play was really intriguing for me, as a ridiculously big music fan. And we can’t forget the core of all Hate/Love stories: the banter. All of the exchanges between Svette and Logan were witty, tension-filled, and realistic. The POV does shift between Logan and Svette a lot, but it’s not annoying or disruptive; it helps to develop both main characters and give the reader of taste of their feelings towards each other, so we can watch their relationship grow just as they themselves do. Honestly, I'm not really a big fan of Hate/Love stories because they often all turn out the same, but Hit or Miss was definitely a hit with me.
DA-chen1 chapter 27 . 1/10/2012

I really liked the epilogue! Nice words at the end!

Keep going on with your writing - I really like it!

Have a nice day, Mira
MiLiNA chapter 27 . 1/24/2011
Im in love with the way Logan has nicknamed her Slim smh and idk why
Juliet chapter 1 . 6/30/2010
Hello, there. It's Juliet from ADoR and your story has been inducted onto the site. Congratulations. :D Here's the raving review:

This story bounces between the POV's of Svette and Logan. It starts off somewhat cliche, but it most certainly keeps the reader hooked. After all, one can never get tired of cliches. And yes, this one is complete, which is another plus. Great characters.


LanternLight13 chapter 27 . 5/9/2010
Great story. Thanks for sharing.
LocalYokel chapter 27 . 1/6/2010
gah! i totally loved this story, sorry i didn't review other than this one but i would have been just repeating myself with "I LOVE THIS STORY" and "LOGAN IS SO HOT" haha ;)

also, you're a BRILLIANT writer, i give you ten out of ten :D
Mandyg chapter 27 . 12/3/2009
Absolutely love this story.
smurf-love chapter 27 . 9/26/2009
aww im happy that they got back just sows you that no matter how much time goes by you will be with the one your ment to be with...
sarcasm is my middle name chapter 27 . 7/19/2009
Wow, awesome story!

It's one of my faves...
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