Reviews for Uncovering The Mystery Of Reid Faulkner
593976 chapter 5 . 1/22/2009
Intense! Youre really good at dialogue. I can't decide if I love or hate Reid. A really good chapter.
593976 chapter 4 . 1/22/2009
Wow...confusing. I don't mean the plot. I mean Reid's behavior. I understand what you mean when you said that he didn't act like an immature teenaged boy. He acts very, very different, and I'm having trouble finding it realistic.

That being said, I am enjoying this plot twist. Awesome.
593976 chapter 3 . 1/22/2009
Okay WOW. An exciting conclusion to this chapter! :)

The whole introduction about herself, her house, her neighborhood was not bad in itself, but it just seems out of place in the story. It might have gone smoother if all of this was described as the story was progressing. As she was at school, as she was going to her house, as she was meeting her friends. But of course, this was not necessary.
593976 chapter 2 . 1/22/2009
This is an interesting fevelopment, this necklace. Some foreshadowing, perhaps? And was that a mention of a bullet? Cool, I can't wait to find out where this is going.

I loved the discussion she has about why she fears Reid. It acknowledges some of the things I was thinking myself about the boy. It also shows that she is human too. Which I struggled with a little in the last chapter when you said she knew everyone in her school and all of their secrets.

I absolutely loved the second to last paragraph. An amazing comparison. It made me smile.

And you know, I don't really mind how short these chapters are turning out to be. I feel like each is an individual thought that Adeline is telling the reader. Nice.
593976 chapter 1 . 1/22/2009
Wow, this is really intriguing. I really liked the summary. It didn't say too much and it wasn't blandly obvious about the story. Then in the first chapter you liken the high school environment and the people part of it to an ecosystem. I feel like I was thrown into that without getting a chance to get a feel for the mood of what you were writing. But I did find it interesting and so creative. You bring in a problem to the story by presenting this mysterious character. It was a smooth transition, and the desriptive paragraphs were easy to get into. Very nicely crafted. The only concern I had with this end part was that the perspective was confusing. I think it was grammatically correct, but I as a reader had to go back and figure out if the story was happening in a first person or third person narrative.
zisforzoe chapter 2 . 1/23/2008
i like the mystery surrounding reid.

it makes me want to read more.

but there are a lot of grammer mistakes.

i think you over use the comma and misuse the semi-colin.

i found a lot of passive voice and run ons too.

you also switched tenses a lot in this chapter.

if you gave the chapters a once over before posting, it would make the story a lot more polished.

keep up the writing! i will keep up the reading :]
Flereous chapter 9 . 1/22/2008
reid lost his cool deminier for like, 12 minutes huh?

i like

but it seems like his wall is crumbling a bit too fast
Enaid chapter 9 . 1/22/2008
i see you just updated today but i hope you update again soon! its a really great story
Enaid chapter 6 . 1/22/2008
oolala lol i rlly rlly want to know what his secret is! well im off to read moree
Enaid chapter 5 . 1/22/2008
im so insanely intrigued by this story! its amazing so far. im kinda speechless
Flereous chapter 4 . 11/7/2007
chapter 4 made reid sound pretty damn conceided, overly confident, and a bit of a turn off

but i REALLY like your story :D write more

ba da bah bah bah

I'm lovin it
tornangelwings chapter 7 . 2/27/2007
OH HELL YEAH, you finally update i thank you so much.. i know what its like trying to update fast when there is nothing there. anyways i really like this chapter, its really good keep going. and update as soon as possible
tornangelwings chapter 6 . 2/17/2007
you go girl, this is amazing. i love this chapter. the mystery is alluring, i dont remember if you told me what he looked like, he sounds gorgeous in a bad ass way. you should tell me again. keep going, keep going i love it * impatiantly waiting by the computer*
tornangelwings chapter 5 . 2/16/2007
why the hell did you stop i fucking love it. ok potty mouth gone now i get nasty when im mad. i really like this, he emotion the thoughts god, please hurry up i REALLY want to read more.
endo.schism chapter 3 . 2/11/2007
I'm digging this so far, it's not too descriptive, but just right, and there's good background info on the characters.

Can't wait to see what happens with Reid and Adeline .

Update soon )