Reviews for Strawberry Punk
trinity love chapter 16 . 6/9/2009
When would you continue writing this is really good.
kris89 chapter 1 . 2/17/2009
what the HELL is a strawberry punk, and why is it so serious? i mean come on, youre going to jump somebody because they wear colored punk clothes? anyway good job, you got me thinking.
a chapter 18 . 2/16/2009

Why do they start with .com?
Namelessliberty chapter 2 . 2/6/2009
I (obviously) haven't finished reading what you have of this story yet, but I made the decision to review and give my opinion from simply the first chapter before I forgot completely.

Well, to start off, I love the invention and use of the strawberry punk. First because when you view punks they're always guys unless they were part of the grl movement. No one really counts a girl as a punk really. I love the fact that a strawberry punk could essentially be like a normal one, but with an altered sense of fashion and a different attitude. Frankly, all you need to truly be a punk a little is to hold the beliefs, fashion could just be an added bonus. Also, with the strawberry punk it ,in a way, represents the submission in culture how some people are brought down from something silly. However, when I first read strawberry punk I was either guessing the correct thing, or a japanese punk.

Through all of the things that I like about your story, so far I have found only one real objection and that is that you are portraying all of the "real/true" punks as violent little buggers. Though this is the understood stereotype it can be assured that not everyone will be like that. And I never quite heard of a "gang" of punks, it seems more of a gangster thing to me.

Sorry that was so long! I do truly enjoy what I've read so far!
MidnightOil chapter 19 . 2/6/2009
hey i loved all the things, i just read all them in the space of like ten seconds cuz they're so awesome.

but the links arnt working on my computer! so i dont know what they look like *sobs*

ilove the Strawberry Punk aspect, and btw was that Cancer by MCR Void was listening to?

luv the stories *gives strawberry*

(just a suggestion listen to Strawberry Gashes by Jack Off Jill, you might like it...kinda...)

plz update :P
Delilah Lillith chapter 17 . 2/3/2009
Your story and plotline is so interesting and fun to read. I can only hope the updates and new. Chapters come quicker:)) I love you guys' story.
Its.Not.Me.Its.You chapter 17 . 2/3/2009
hope you update soon
HelgaBertoni chapter 17 . 2/2/2009
great story so question, Is whats his name dieing?

If so what from? Please say in the next couple of chapters. Anywho update soon,toodels.
Faws chapter 16 . 6/15/2008
wo love it so much!

I want to glomp Void _

Update soon please!

wondergurl-37 chapter 15 . 1/12/2008
i love this story!

keep it up!
why can't I just be tall chapter 15 . 1/4/2008
I really Like this story, it's highly entertaining and the plot is interesting and complex so well done, please update soon
Turtle Ama chapter 15 . 12/16/2007
I loved this chapter, it was amazing like all the others...

update soon? please? *bats eyelashes*
katchy chapter 14 . 11/19/2007

very very very cool!

i hope the next chapter comes soon!

btw when are they ever going to get together?

its taking ages! :P
Innocencefrgttn chapter 14 . 11/16/2007
Loved it. Cant wait for the next part. I love this story so much!
Stahlut chapter 13 . 6/8/2007
oh my god i like this story, i mea sometimes i am not a hundred percent sure about things, because yeah i dont know anyone like that, but i like it. so please keep it coming.
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