Reviews for Sweet Addiction: Just One Touch
dontneedyou chapter 16 . 7/24/2008
Omygosh, I really love this storyy!

Please update son!

Or I'll be forced to hurt you. P

Haha, no, I'm kidding, but seriously, update soon? Pwweease? ]
Fayre Meira chapter 16 . 7/12/2008
i love this..evan and ava are so meant for each other! lol please dont give up on this really does light up my day :)
Shadowe Goddess chapter 16 . 7/9/2008
Ohohoh! Please update!
Myrix chapter 16 . 6/7/2008
why dont you ever update?
Amber Salgado chapter 16 . 6/2/2008
uh oh, didn't see that one coming. continuing i am proud to say that this story has entertained me made me laugh not cry don't worry lol this story has left me wanting more but i must mention one thing in one of Evans POV's his mother calls him Hunter Dear and i find that a bit confusing considering its his mother one thing that caught me completely off guard what when hunter tells Avy-poo as Evan lives to call her that he made Aly that she was pregnant i got confused but when i finally understood it it made me angry how the hell is she going to know whether she's pregnant in what two/three days it takes usually about a week right? and then you don't know for sure whether it will live till about three months because thats when you find out if its strong enough i don't know the details but i do know that ... anyways i cant wait till your next chapter i want to know whether she looses her virginity to "sweet *ahem* innocent Evan *Ahem*" yeah so keep me posted okay?

Sweet Addiction: Just One Touch, Addict

Amber Salgado chapter 9 . 6/2/2008
this is so funny i love this story so far cant wait to see what happens

Amber Salgado chapter 8 . 6/2/2008
love it
WriterGurl123 chapter 16 . 5/10/2008
Wow! I just hope that she doesn't get pregnant.

Post More Soon!
Brittany chapter 16 . 5/5/2008
I flipping love this story!It's the updating,PLEASE!
Sweetly Sarcastic chapter 16 . 5/4/2008
wow that was quite a transition... good chapter, though- please update soon so i find out how far they actually go!
BeingMyself chapter 16 . 4/27/2008
Oh, the suspense is killing me!
sleepies chapter 16 . 4/23/2008
OMG! ava lost her virginity with him already? wow, tat was faster tehm i thought! lols...its ok tat it was short, just as long as u don't leave me here wondering how its supposed to end. lols thnx for updating it though! looking foward to the new chapter...
k.sullivan chapter 16 . 4/20/2008

No way mann

Ava's going to lose the big V?

To Evan!



Gossh, I've waited so long for this chapter and it's deffo better than nothing! X]

Hope to be seeing an update soon ]

A devoted fan of this fic,

Kim )
Lady of Confusion chapter 16 . 4/18/2008
update soon!
hnjones-2009 chapter 16 . 4/17/2008
First note: This is a reminder, not a threat. You better have the next chapter up in less than a week or else I will make you cry...

But! I will be crying with you, because I cannot wait to find out what is going to happen with Ms. Ava and Mr. Hunk (hehe).

I may sound a little retro saying this, but I totally dig the sweet theme. It adds to her innocence and it makes me giggle.

But other than this totally random comment, I just wanted to encourage you to keep writing, especially this story.


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