Reviews for Sweet Addiction: Just One Touch
Vinyl Cupcake chapter 16 . 4/17/2008
Your continuing this?

Hoorah! - I feel so lucky.
Elegantly Lovelyy chapter 10 . 4/15/2008
like i said before,

update asap
Elegantly Lovelyy chapter 7 . 4/15/2008
update asap
Veronica Kimble chapter 16 . 4/15/2008
its so short! but ur rite, its better than noting. its good that u finally updatead. this was a really good chapter. i luv how theyre kinda 2gether now. update SSON!

insanity-ward chapter 16 . 4/15/2008
yay! you updated! and yay! Ava figured it out! rock on Ava! now you just have to figure out that you're totally into him as well!, wonder how long that'll take... wicked awesome chapter! luved it to death! PLZ UPDATE SOON! ]
ConverseKicker16 chapter 16 . 4/15/2008
'OLY CRAP!...I thought you died!...litterally!...hmm...welp..i think 'tis was a smidge of a filler...but STIL really entertaining...!...'Soap, keep it up! lol, Have a Bag O' Jelly BEANS!-!CHELSEA?
That Green Gentlewoman chapter 16 . 4/15/2008
oh Evan, oh Ava...what are they getting themselves into?

still loving the story :)
Nadinerdrgz chapter 16 . 4/15/2008
oh wow no there not i think there cute and i love your story hope you do more soon
Hypa To Hell And Back chapter 16 . 4/15/2008
long time and i still remember what happened hehe. that was really good. perfect diduction of what happens when you get really upset and your locked in a room _ i cant wait for the next chapter please keep going ok
a.mooch chapter 16 . 4/14/2008
MWAHAHA! I am still reading! And this was a really funny chapter, even if it was a bit short... but why won't you update your fabulous story? HMM?
into the black chapter 16 . 4/14/2008
I thought you fell off the face of the earth. Glad to see you're alive! Ah! What is Ava doing?
Vinyl Cupcake chapter 15 . 4/14/2008
Gahh! I need more!


No update in four months? Psh. You can do better than that!

*begins chanting*

New chapter! New chapter! New chapter!

(Sorry- like Ava I also get on a bit of a sugar high.)
Jessie chapter 15 . 2/16/2008
Come on dude been waitin' 4 ags, when ya gonna add nxt chap, keep writing wanna now what happens.

catch ya l8ter keep up the writing :)
ConverseKicker16 chapter 15 . 1/23/2008
AH! no you didnt-rushes over to the "more chapters box", clicks rapiddly, finds no more-AH!-starts you didnt, no you didnt! you schmuck! I cant wait to se whats gonna happn!litterally!hurry up!...and one thing...PLEASE DONT INCORPERATER lexi ALOT! ididnt really like her...but its your SUPER SICK STORY! and iloved it...good job!and btw, im STILL FLIPPIN!-chelsea!
ConverseKicker16 chapter 14 . 1/23/2008
aww! too short!...darn it! i loved it!...really nice description with Evan's room...good job!-Chelsea
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