Reviews for True Love is Never Easy
The Ferrett chapter 1 . 3/14/2007
That is utterly fantasticd. had me waiting for the little boom that happened when he said that comment. You're not quite at the point though where I publically embarrass myself in the library by whooping loudly but you're close.
Wishes Desires chapter 7 . 3/10/2007
Oh my god! I was so shocked in what happened in this chapter between Brennan and Persy. I really want to know what is gonna happen and how they both feel about it, especially Brennan, he was really angry, lol. Can't wait for the next chapters, you are doing really good and thanks for answering my questions last time. Also my story Girl on the run, hid chapter is up. Keep the chapters coming, lol
RhythmOfMySoul chapter 7 . 3/9/2007
Whoah. Great chapter. I can't beleive they did it though. Just goes to show you that life is unexpected.

ACK! Cliff hanger ending!1 I can't wait to read more! Update soon, the story rocks!
RhythmOfMySoul chapter 6 . 3/9/2007
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This was the GREATEST chapter! I loved the ending! It was perfect!
RhythmOfMySoul chapter 5 . 3/9/2007
HAHA. I love her ideas for seducing Bren. Very cute chapter!
RhythmOfMySoul chapter 4 . 3/9/2007
Nice nice! It's game time!

Still with the point of view changes, but the story is great!
RhythmOfMySoul chapter 3 . 3/9/2007
Great chapter again! I LOVE the point of view changes. Usually I don't like them, but you make them work very well! Good job!
RhythmOfMySoul chapter 2 . 3/9/2007
Aww! They're so sweet! I liked being in Bren's point of view.

One thing though, is you kept switching between the first person and third person which became awkward.
RhythmOfMySoul chapter 1 . 3/9/2007
Great first chapter! It was very amusing!
Rayne Logan chapter 7 . 3/9/2007

How can you leave it at that?

Please update some more!
CarlyJo chapter 7 . 3/9/2007
You stopped! You have to update soon! I just found this and I love it. The best friends turned loves is my fave cliche ever! UPDATE SOON!
Aznbeez chapter 5 . 3/8/2007
Just one more thing...maybe Persy should go out with Jake to make Brennan jealous.
Aznbeez chapter 6 . 3/8/2007
I think it's really good!

i just realized what yopu said b4 about Brennan already saying that he loves her...byut I think that you should make him say it with out sleeping with a girl afterwards or maybe making him apologise for what happened. I like the thing you're doing now...u noe, persy making brennan jealous and try to seduce him. I think you should drag this longer a bit, as in making him suffer. I think he needs some payback for all the times he's hurt Persy so I think that she should be successful in making him her "love slave".

Please update faster!

Wishes Desires chapter 6 . 3/7/2007
I think i must be really stupid because you said we would notice one of Brennan;s secrets but i seriously don't see anything or maybe i am... I don't know. Thanks anyways for answering my questions and i really can't wait 2 read more of Brennans reactions and if Persy really does get him.

Also read chapter two of my story Girl on the run. Thanks
aglick89 chapter 6 . 3/6/2007
hey, i just wanted to let you know i just read the first 6 chapers, and i loved them. i love reading persy and bren interact. i hope persy's plan goes to good use, and soon.

i love your story, and hope you update... soon! :)
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